Worst Then Death

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Hell - 2018 -

"Damn it, I cant believe this" Hanna complained as Evie told her what happened

"They ambushed us, I didn't know
what to do!" Evie yelled before she saw a figure staring at her

"Great now that demon has Katherine"

"We should get out of here, look I promise I will help you get your rightful place back as queen of hell but first-" Evie started but suddenly a hell hound appeared

Katherine started running towards them

"You escaped!" Evie cheered gratefully and Katherine nodded "Yeah let's get outa here before-" Katherine didn't get a chance to finish as she heard a whimper coming from beside her

"Please! Dad! Call them off!" Hanna yelled as the hell hounds licked there lips

"If your so powerful then do it yourself!" A voice echoed from around them

Katherine and Evie looked around them in fear that Hades was gunning for them

"Get outa here" Hanna said before handing her a necklace "it'll get you out of hell" Hanna explained before the hounds growled

"What about the thing your
protecting for me?"

"If I get eaten then in will be inside the hell hound and Hell hounds teeth can brake anything" Hanna explained before kissing Evie goodbye "I love you" Hanna whispered but Evie heard it clearly

Evie had never been able to say those words to anyone but John and she couldn't say them now, not even in the face of
her past lovers death

Katherine gripped Evie's shoulder as Evie held onto the necklace tightly, the blue shine illuminated there eyes to the point where they could only see blue

They couldn't see, but they heard it, the terrifying scream of the person the hell hound just ate


Another scream was heard, but it wasn't fear and it wasn't someone meeting there fate, it was angry and the two girls immediately recognized it

Hades screamed in anger and sadness at what happened to his daughter

As the two girls disappeared to the land of earth they heard the screams of the hell hound as Hades killed them and sent them to an even worse place then hell


The Weiverider - Time stream -

"Te prometo que te salvaré incluso si me voy al infierno y regreso" Evie whispered to herself in Spanish so if anyone was around they wouldn't understand

[Translation: I promise I'll save you even if I half to go to hell and back]


Short chapter, sorry not sorry

- Jasmine ♡︎

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