The Virgin Gary - Part 2

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"Thanks" Evie told John again for the 100th time this week "I told you it's fine, I helped you and-" John started "And you told me the truth about Neron and I promise I wont do anything reckless and heroically get myself killed" She told him and he nodded

"Now that my dad is gone, Chas is in England with Zed nobody is going to interrupt" Evie told John as she started undoing his shirt a knock erupted on the door "Go away!" They both yelled

The knocking only continued

"If you dont open up I'll eat you for breakfast bitch" someone said jokingly from outside the door and Evie laughed

Evie opened the door and practically jumped on Katherine and hugged her

"Nice outfits, you join a hippie community?" Evie asked holding back laughter "No we were just in Woodstock 1969" Katherine explained and they nodded

Once they stopped hugging John looked frustrated "There was a do not disturb sign on the door for a reason" John told them and Evie playfully hit John's shoulder

John pulled Evie inside and was about to close the door when Katherine put her hand on the door easily stopping John from closing it "You were right" Sara told John and he reopened the door

"What was that now?" John asked mockingly and Evie and John stared at eachother "You were Both right about the magical creatures" Sara told them

"Yeah I dont think I heard you could
you say it a little louder" Evie mocked

"Enough both of you! The unicorn already gored two people!" Katherine yelled and Evie and John's faces went serious

"A unicorn?" They both asked as Sara nodded "Yeah, Yeah alright, but first I need to know was any of your team musked by the beast?" John asked and Sara nodded oblivious "It's sparkle sauce?" She asked

"Its like drugs it can give you hallucinations to disarm you, hence why I used the team as my shield rather then tell them" Katherine explained

"Yeah there in for a world wind of surprises" Evie told them while laughing and grabbing a her flannel and throwing it over her tank top

Once they were back on the ship "John, Evie welcome aboard" Ray welcomed as they came into the map room

"Ray big man, glad to see your back from the world of milk and Honey" John joked and Zari looked up confused "I'm still fuzzy on how we got-" Zari started but Mick interrupted "Roofied by a horse" Mick finished, John explained as he went back to his book "Damn this is gonna be fun" Evie said looking at the book.

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