Wet Hot American Bummer

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Evies summer camp outfit

Evies summer camp outfit

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"Ooo director Sharpe" John said as Ava walked in the room Sara trialing behind

" joining us are we?" John asks knowingly and Ava glares at Evie with a look that clearly says 'get him away from me' as she shrugged "Is that a problem" She asked with an eyeroll as Evie eyed John and he noticed her watchful eye and walked away from Ava and back to Evie's side

"Smart move Johnny" Evie mocked as he laughed slightly at her jealously

"Your cute when your all jealous and angry like that" He whispered and she closed her eyes as she tried to ignore the blush creeping on her face

"We are going back to the 90's to infiltrate a place called camp Ogawa" Sara told the team and John smirked and Katherine walked in with a water

John walked closer with a smirk plastered on his face "Sneaking into a military facility are we?" John asked as Katherine looked at him weirdly "Why do you want to break into a military facility?" Katherine asked but was interrupted by Sara

"Actually it's a summer camp for kids" Sara told them and Katherine shook her head as John's smirk fell and Evie sighed

"Count me out" Katherine said as she walked away before Sara could protest

"I love summer camp evreyone used to call me kid counselor" Ray says gleefully as Evie laughed to herself and John smirk grew again and Sara shook her head sending glares there way

"Bet you took that as a compliment didn't you mate" John asked before biting on his lip to hold back laughter

"Because of my leadership skills obviously.......Right?" Ray said and evreyone was suddenly calm and awkwardly putting there heads down

"No probably not." Evie told him bluntly as John patted his shoulder mockingly

"So! Any idea what kind of foul beast we're up against then" John suddenly asked

"Based on....research Sara and I have been doing we could be looking for a swampy monster thing" Ava explained as Evie shook her head about to count herself out as well but John grabbed her waist and turned her around as she groaned

"I happen to know a swamp thing" John said and Evie glared at him "Yeah and one day I'll tell you all about the time because of him he almost killed me" Evie said bitterly and John was about to argue back and Evie smiled to herself feeling content

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