Paybacks a Bitch

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I'm not writing Witch Hunt because I have no idea where to fit Evie and Katherine

This is a filter chapter for Evie and Katherine's friendship

Katherine POV
Ever since we sent the fairy godmother to hell I've been non stop thinking about what happened, long story short Evie and Zari wanted to Save a woman who was soposed to die as a witch even though she wasn't one.

Long Story Short Evie was about to be burned alive when I stepped in thinking there was only one guard and let's just say I was completely wrong the guard put me down with vervain it's like Holly Water except it cant kill me

But they tried to burn me but Zari saved me and now I keep dreaming of what happened back in 2018 around the time that Evie and John broke up

[The flashback is in 3rd person but it goes back to Katherine's POV after the dream/Flashback]

"Where's Katherine" Damon asked in panic as him, Stephen and Tess watched the church go up in flames

[Tessa is Katherine's sister, Stephen is a good friend and also he's damons brother and Damon is her boyfriend]

Damon started to run back to the church "You can't go in there! The fire will take you out!" Stephen warned as the three vampires were outside the church as they heard screams from inside

"I need to help her!" Damon said running back inside the fire, once he stepped inside he relised the fire wasn't real and there was nobody inside

Or so he thought

He fell through the floor into a black hole

once he reached the bottom he saw Katherine and a ring of fire erupted around them "Katherine Pierce, we meet again" Neron said as he laughed using his magic to pull damon closer to him

"You can't have him!" She yelled trying to keep damon in her grip but failing

"Promise me you'll find me?" He asked with infinite worry and before she could answer he was dragged away and she was left broken "Your not alone I'm here" She heard a sweet voice from all directions and she saw light

I opened my eyes to see Evie standing over me she must have been the one talking in my dream she pulled me into a hug and I cried in her chest

I looked forward to see Damon is his normal leather jacket and black jeans and black shirt but he had a knife in his head. It was an Egyptian knife used to kill Vampires

"You failed me! You did this to me! You killed me!" He yelled as I started crying more

"I didn't want you to die!" I yelled back as Evie forced my head to look at her but I was forced into a wall by damon

I pushed him and grabbed the knife and stabbed him and as his body fell to the ground I looked down in sadness and shame

I pushed him and grabbed the knife and stabbed him and as his body fell to the ground I looked down in sadness and shame

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"Its not Damon" Evie told Me as she pointed at the body and it turned out to just be some demon Neron sent to kill me

Evie pulled me into another hug and this time they both were shot into a vison when they hugged

"You son of a Bitch" Neron screamed at John and Evie 

"Paybacks a bitch" Evie told Neron as she took John's hellfire lighter and set
him on fire

"Wait so who's body was Neron using?" I asked because Neron had no face it looked like Lucifers devil face.....kinda

"It's something undetermined in the timeline" Evie told me and I laughed while crying "What if I half to kill damon to kill neron" I asked her and she gave me a look that said 'if that happens you know what you need to do' I nodded understanding

"Thank you, at least I know we beat him" I thanked her as we all went to the magic-omiter for our next mission

"The Queens new favorite band the smell" Sara told us as John disagreed saying that the band never existed

So the next chapter will be Dancing Queen, hoped you like the filter chapter


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