Tagumo Attacks

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"Damn it Charlie"

"Damn it Charlie"

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"There's gotta be another way to fix him something Gideon missed" Sara told Ray and Evie as they watched John sleep

"John used magic to help those campers and magic is the only thing that can fix him" Ray told the two women before Evie shook her head already knowing where this was going

"Nora Darkh is not the answer" Evie told Ray and Sara as they both nodded

"I'm sorry, but Nora seems like our best bet right now, unless you can do something for John" Sara said and Evie shook her head before stroking John's head and he stirred slightly and fell back into a deeper sleep

"Spell?" Ray asked as he saw that John fell into a deep sleep. "No" Evie said plainly not elaborating at all

"So how do we find Nora?" Evie asked Ray and Sara and Ray shrugged

"With a time stone she could be anywhere any when" Ray told them and Evie looked at the two with an idea "My mom told me a story about Killer Frost and my dad. When they were running from team flash you wanna know where they found them" Evie started and the two looked at her intrigued

"Not a block away from star labs" Evie finished and Sara and Ray looked impressed

"you think she's hiding in the bureau's back yard" Ray asked and she nodded

"Gideon do a 2018 facial recognition search on Nora darkh" Sara told Gideon and about a minute later the screen showed pictures of Nora meaning she was in 2018

Gideon alerted them of a magical creature in Tokyo bay. "Okay let's divide and conquer, I'll handle Tokyo, You two find our witch" Sara informed  them and Evie shook her head

"I'll stay with John" Evie told Sara and Sara nodded not having time to argue


Sara was shouting in Spanish as Katherine and Charlie looked up from there places in the library "enough shouting" Katherine said handing a whiskey bottle to Charlie

"That my whiskey?" Sara asked eyeing the two with annoyance

"It was" Charlie said in a challenging tone and Sara threw an 'I'm gonna kill you' look at Charlie. "You said there was a fugitive alert right?" Katherine asked breaking up what could have been a fight

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