The Virgin Gary - Part 1

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"Evie almost got Maimed by a dragon"

This takes place 4 months after the events of the last chapter

Ps: Evie used her totem to help defeat Mulus

This chapter is mostly Katherine

This chapter is mostly Katherine

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3rd person POV

Katherine Joined the legends last year to help defeat Mulus after John and Evie recommended her because she hunts demons for a living

After defeating Mulus and also trying to distance herself from her family to protect them, she joined the legends

Evie didn't find much appeal to being apart of a team and as she called it 'playing hero' so she ditched the legends and went back to John

"Four years doing the same old crap" Mick grumbled annoyed

"Yeah after everything that happened last year compared to what's happening now just seems boring"  Katherine told Sara as she laid on the table of the Parlur

[Its spelled with a U because that's how Nate said it was spelled in tender is Nate]

Zari nodded her head "Yeah I think Wally and Evie had the right idea-" Zari started

Katherine shook her head "Wally had the right idea, but Evie almost got maimed by a dragon" Katherine interrupted

"Okay all I know is Constantine promised us new magical monsters so were are they hiding" Nate said as he stood up and Mick looked up fiercely "I want dragons!" He exclaimed excitedly

"Dont you get it Constantine
was wrong!" Sara started

"Not likely" Katherine told Sara but she was ignored "Our crazy plan to let Mulus out worked and for once we are actual hero's" Sara told them and Katherine shook her head once again "I'm not a hero, dont ever mistake me for one" She told them before getting off the table and leaving

"Sure you can't tell us what this whole thing is about?" Sara asked with a fake smile and a sweet voice "No boss lady would kill me" Garry told her as he lead the way to there destination

"Katherine, Mick" Sara muttered

Katherine and Mick pinned Garry to the wall "Talk" Katherine and Mick said simultaneously "I cant director Sharpe said-" Garry started but was interrupted

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