Séance and Sensibility

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"Stop it John!"


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Sara,Mick,John, Ray and  Evie  separated as soon as they walked into the funeral, somehow they were there to comfort Nate even though none of them planned on talking to Nate

Katherine was in LA with Lucifer because she needed time away from the ship

John was drinking more that usual

"Hey are you okay?" Evie asked and John put his head down silently confirming
that he was not okay

"What's wrong?" She asked and he randomly told her the date

"Today is the annivesary of the day I exercised that demon out of you along
with Katherine, Cha and Anne Marie" Evie remembered as the two silently
thought back to the day

Flashback  - 1 year ago

"You lost your precious daughter. All because of the freak he made you" The demon said in John's body as Evie pulled Chas from trying to hurt John

"Stop it John!" Evie yelled and John's eyes flickered from Normal back to the red color

"Why stop now?! Your just some whore whose running from her daddy issues" The demon accuses as Evie fights the urge not to slap John because she knows it's the demon not John

Present day

Evie rested her hand on John's to show comfort and that he wasn't alone, that day would haunt her forever as well

John and Evie were in the room with the body along with Ray "I do hope your not stress eating squire" John said as the two saw Ray stuffing his mouth with candy

"I dont know what else to do I cant belive this is happening" Ray told them as he stuffed his face with more candy

"What's he eating anyway?" Evie asked because candy was banned where she's from. "M &M's lov" John told her before giving her some"You feel the energy in this room?" John asked as Ray shrugged and Evie nodded as she moved uncomfortably

"Its like sitting on a keg on dynamite" Evie told them before grabbing more of the candy, John tried to take a piece but she slapped his hand and directed him to the bowl, she was not going to share

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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