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"You are a miserable human being John Constantine"

Warning: Mention of Drugs and depression

Also Evie is now played by Vanessa Morgan because she looks more like Caitlin

John had been acting weird all day and Evie was about to confront him but he came up to her first with a weird look in his eye "Love we need to talk" He told her with a serious tone and she looked at him confused "Talk. What's wrong?" She asked and he looked down

"You nearly got killed yesterday" John told her and she nodded and shrugged "It's fine. I'm fine, I told you that" Evie reminded him as he shook his head viciously

"You almost got bloody killed because of me! I need you to go" John said loudly and she stared at him in disbelief

She shook her head "I'm not going anywhere because belive it or not I care about you, I care about John Constantine and I'm okay with that" She told him before he turned away as his eyes rolled backwards until he had full black eyes

His eyes went normal as he turned around, he knew what he had to say to make her leave "Your a bloody science experiment and ex drug addict with daddy issues" He told her and she fought back tears

A tear rolled down her cheek "You want me to leave?" Evie asked in a low voice and John nodded pointing to the door

She nodded before going to pack her things

Evie opened the door and put her suitcase on the other side of the door before turning to John "You are a miserable human being John Constantine" She told him before walking out and slamming the door
behind her

Chas walked out his room and stared at John in disbelief "did you really just chase her away?" Chas asked in disbelief

"Yeah I bloody did" John told Chas as be chucked his beer bottle across the room

"Why?" Chas asked confused

"There's a demon after me, his names Neron, that bloody anker threatened her so I had to tell her to back off so she wouldn't get hurt" John told Chas and Chas patted John's back comfortingly

Two months later Evie decided to do something it was plain cruel but she didn't care if John could move on so could she

Calling Garry Green....

She smiled as Garry answered "Hey Garry, so me and John broke up, wanna grab a beer" She asked and she could practically hear Garry's smile "Like a date?" Garry asked from the other line

"Definitely" She replied

The date had been going well, until screams erupted at the park they were having a picnic at

Garry started to panic as he saw a dragon flying above them "Garry wait-" Evie started but Garry already started running and the dragon tried to get him but she moved Garry out of the hit

Garry wasted no time calling John

John was wallowing in self pity, He drove the woman of his dreams away and he sent a second place lover to hell and now it was just him and Chas again

His phone started to ring and he answered quickly and while smirking upon seeing it was Evie, but he was suddenly saddened again when he realized it was just Garry

Garry explained about the dragon and how Evie was hurt, John sprung from his chair and got the necessary supplies

Garry brought Evie to Star Labs, so after John killed the dragon, warned the legends and disposed of the dragon head, he went to go see Evie

"Hey glad to see your awake" John told her as she took a sip of her beer and scoffed making John's usual smirk fall as she rolled her eyes

"Get out John" Evie demanded softly

"Evie-" John started but was cut off "Get out" she told him a little louder than before

John walked to the door of the medical area "Look I'm so-" John started but was cut off by her bottle being thrown at his head "I Said Get Out!" She yelled as he hurried his way out

Once Evie was at her house again she took two pills from a bottle in her bathroom cabinet and swallowed them and she felt at ease for once

It wasn't John's fault, life just seemed to hard for her and John sorta pushed her over the edge

Caitlin called her

"What's up?" Evie asked as she heard shuffling paper

"When I checked your charts I found save amounts of alcohol and drugs in your system, its affecting you and-" Caitlin started to say from the other line but Evie hung up before Caitlin could finish

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