Dancing Queen Part 2

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"You definitely said leprechaun"

Evie's outfit


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Evie and John were walking onto the ship and they heard Ray on coms

"She doesn't kidnap the Queen she becomes the Queen" Ray told the group

"I knew it!" John said proud of himself and Katherine and Evie looked at him curiously

"You definitely said leprechaun" Katherine says and John's face turns to a pout

"What if I just ask her to stop impersonating the Queen, History goes back to the way it was and we dont have to send her to hell"

"New girl on the team here. Is that a joke plan or a real plan?" Evie asks jokingly as Sara shoots a glare her way

"Ray so far we've learned that unicorns are homicidal maniacs and Fairy Godmothers are psychopaths and there soposed to be the nice ones" Sara tells Ray

"And these shapeshifting bastards put the rest to shame, were talking killing sprees world wars you name it" John tells Ray and Evie shakes her head

"Yeah but shes not doing any of that" Ray tries but it doesn't work, John already had his mind set

"She's manipulating you don't fall
for it Mate" John told Ray as he tried to convince him sending Charlie to hell
was a good idea


Katherine walked into the bathroom to see Evie puking "Oh sorry I didn't know you were in here" Katherine said instantly before going to Evie's side

"Are you okay?" Katherine asked as she saw Evie's state, Evie nodded and Katherine shook her head when Evie started puking again

"How long have you been sick?" Katherine asked thinking of the possible things that could be causing this

"Uh idk 3 months ago" Evie answered before puking again "When did you and John get back together?" She asked randomly and 'innocently'

"3 months ago, why?" Evie said as gears seemed to be turning in Katherine's mind

"Guys were going to infiltrate the bands hideout, you coming" Sara asked through coms and Evie grabbed Katherine's hand before she could turn her coms on

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