Trying Not To Love You

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3rd person POV

"Come on your-" John started "One of Us" Evie said at the same time as John as she walked closer to him

John looked confused but continued on anyway "Were a Family" Evie and John both said as she was inches away from his face and grabbed his tie "We protect eachother until the end" They both said as she was inches from his lips

John's dream was interrupted by his door being knocked on

Bullocks, I was not just having another dream about Evie, I can't stop and then when I see her it's worse

John opened the door to see Barry Allen and a woman with blonde hair "John we need to talk" Barry said softly realizing he had just woke him up,  John groaned walking over to the couch

Bloody hell! I just woke up from what was going to be a wet dream of my best friends. Okay I might never get with Evie, bloody hell she probably doesn't consider me anything other than a freind, but still nice to dream about it

The woman sat and smiled at John as he just pulled out a cigarette "Hi I'm Caitlin" Caitlin introduced herself as John continued to light his cigarette

"Hello Love is there a reason you lot have woken me up from the best sleep I've had in a while?" John asked sarcastically as his cigarette dangled from his mouth

"Mr Constantine, My daughter-" Caitlin started but was interrupted by John "-is possessed by a demon, look I really dont wanna get involved in anything today"

Barry shook his head before rolling his eyes "something wrong squire" John asked Barry as barry shook his head sarcastically

Caitlin smiled again trying to keep the peace "My daughter is Evie Snow, my freind had a uh vision of her being with you" Caitlin explained as a smirk caught John's face "and what exactly are me and this Evie doing in these 'visons'" John said openly smirking as Barry rolled his eyes once again

John knew exactly who Evie was ofc he did, but he promised her for her safety he wouldn't tell anyone about her

John's phone beeped next to barry and a name flashed on the screen and he quickly put his cigarette out just in case he needed to run somewhere without worrying about the cigarette

New message from Evie

John lunged for the phone but Barry obviously grabbed it first and he read the text

Evie : Hey Johnny, Chas tried calling you earlier but you didn't call him back so I guessed you were sleeping. Wanna grab Coffee or Tea?

Barry showed Caitlin the message as John snatched the phone from Barry's clutches

"Get the bloody hell out, ya wanker" John said to Barry as Caitlin had already started to leave Barry however supersped John into a wall

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