Summer Camp Part 2

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"I belive in you more than anyone or anything"

Evie's summer camp outfit

Evie's summer camp outfit

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Evie POV

Sara and Ray went to the camp leader and she did absolutely nothing, so I'm going to ask my campers and maybe hypnotize them if the whole asking doesn't work out

"Okay so I have no idea where Chad is so I'm gonna ask y'all a question and if you tell me the truth more ice cream" I told them and Aria one of my campers let out a sigh

"We're planning to prank the counselors tonight, our freinds at the other cabin are concocting a story to get them to go into the woods to scare them" Aria admitted and I smiled and sat down

evreyone sat in a circle

"I wasn't joking, if you scare John then I'll give you guys a treat" I whispered to them before helping them concoct a plan

I highfived my campers before helping them create a costume for there prank

"Your the best counselor ever!" Aria said and evreyone agreed and I smiled brightly


John's POV

Ray was doing some circle of truth bollocks, like any kid is actually gonna do something like that

I sighed and put my head down as the kids looked even more bored then when he was explaining survival rules

I tapped Ray's shoulder and he got up and was annoyed I interrupted there....


"Your" Ray said loudly before stopping and repeating himself

"Your interrupting the flow" Ray told me and I paid no mind to it

"Sorry for ruining your flow" I said sarcastically "But this isn't working" I continued as Ray shook his head

"Let me show you how its done" I finished before turning to the kids and Ray did the same

"Right then, which one of you whippersnappers wants to be hypnotized?"

  I pulled out an amulet and they all jumped begging for me to pick them

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