Angels Feelings

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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

Ever since what happened at the asylum happened, Evie and John thought it might be nice to take a try at dating

They had been dating for 3 months, John had went after some witch alone, she thought he could handle it

She was hanging with Chas drinking a beer when a knock interrupted there conversation 

She opened the door to see Manny, John's angel with a puppy "Where's John?" Evie asked Manny as Manny handed her the puppy "um well he didn't get the witch, but he bit her hand off" Manny said and she got the hint

"He's the...puppy?" She asked confused and Manny nodded as Puppy John leaped out of her arms and ran towards the kitchen trying to climb the stool to get to the beer on the table

Evie's POV

"Have fun" He said and I was about to protest but some random dude appeared as Manny had gone "Where am I?" He asked

I closed the door in his face and went to the kitchen to see Puppy John hugging Chas' foot, I thought it was the most adorable thing ever

"When and Why did you get a puppy?" Chas asked me as he tried to get John off his foot

I picked up John and cradled him in my arms like a baby and he started to fall asleep "The puppy is John" I told Chas as I scratched puppy John's head and he started cuddling my arms trying to lay on my chest

"I'm gonna put Puppy John to sleep then I'm gonna find a way to fix this" I told Chas and he nodded

I put puppy John down and he immediately  got up from where I put him and pouted and did I mention he's the cutest puppy in the entire world

I shook my head before putting John to sleep with a sleeping spell and went back to my kitchen to see Chas was gone

But there was a white light heading out the open door


I followed the light and it finally stopped in the forest where I saw Manny walk up to me "You don't half to hide from me, I know your a fallen" He told me and I pulled out my wings as he did his

His white wing touched my black one "What do you want Manny?" I asked as I didn't like the feeling of my wings being on display for anyone in the forest to see

Both our eyes turned a bright gold "Manny we shouldn't- " I was cut off by Manny placing his lips on mine

I pushed him off and he looked at me apologetically "Manny I'm with John" I told him and he nodded knowingly

"He doesn't even know what you truly are! I do and I except you! He won't!" Manny said as his voice echoed but I still shook my head

My wings disappeared "This was a mistake" I told him as his wings disappeared as well so we both looked like normal
people again

He grabbed my arm "What was a mistake, kissing me? Lying to John about what you are? Which one was a mistake?" He asked in his normal therapist tone

"Kissing You" I said coldly as I made my way back to my apartment

When I got back to my apartment I saw puppy John still cuddled in a blanket on the couch as he slept and I picked puppy John up and let him sleep on my chest like normal John would

When I woke up I saw normal John's head laying on my chest, I slipped out of his grip and his head fell onto a pillow and I left out the front door

3rd Person POV

When John woke up he did his normal routine, but after eating breakfast he noticed a door in his and Evie's closet with a lock on it

He said a lock pick spell and went inside to see huge drawings in the dark room

He pulled ot his phone and turned on the flashlight and pointed it to a drawing and he saw a drawing of himself and Liv banishing his demon self

He looked at another drawing and it was one of Evie and Zed bumping into eachother and John standing behind the two, then he looked at another

John's POV

The next drawing was Me, some guy, Chas and no way, Anne Marie standing behind a wall as it looked like Evie was sacrificing a baby?

I turned to look at the next one and it was Evie she had wings like Mannys, I couldn't see the color of them because she sketched all of the pictures

The next one made my heart drop

Manny kissing Evie?!

"You weren't soposed to see that, or
any of this for that matter" I heard from behind me and I turned to see Evie

"What are you?" I asked eyeing the pictures of her with wings "I'm a fallen Angel" She confessed and I was about to send her back to where she came from when Manny suddenly appeared and she was frozen

"John stop!" He yelled towards me "She isn't here to hurt you, or anyone, she broke the rules of heaven, yes, but she's not that bad" Manny told me

"What'd she do?" I asked

"She killed a mortal to save her mother's life after she died and became an angel" He explained as I nodded and Evie could move again

Manny disappeared

"I trust you and I want to know all of you" I told her and she nodded understanding as her fluffy black wings fluttered open

Her eyes turned a gold color as I put my hand up and stopped near her wing and turned to her and she nodded as I stroked her wing and she seemed to he struggling with something

She must really like walls because she just slammed me into one knocking a picture off the wall as she fiercely kissed me

I relised my hand was still on her wing so I removed my hand and she seemed to regain her senses

She looked down in embarrassment "Sorry my wings are sensitive" She apologized

"I'm right as rain love" I replied as she gave me a wicked smirk

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