Messing with fate

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"As in the loom of Fate?"

[ we are pretending that Charlie didn't scatter the pieces of the loom before joining the legends]


3rd Person POV

Charlie was desperately looking around the ship for Evie, she needed Evie's help

She couldn't trust Katherine, hell nobody could, the girl betrayed about evreyone shes ever known, Charlie was suprised to hear tha Katherine hadn't betrayed them

But none the less she'll at least be prepared when Katherine does betray them

Charlie bumped into John while she was thinking to herself

"You lright there?" John asked and Charlie fought back a smile when she relised John should know exactly where Evie is

"Yeah fine, say, do you know where Evie is?" Charlie replied changing the subject

"Yeah she's in the laboratory" John told her and she practically ran past John

"Your welcome" John said slightly

Charlie walked into the medbey to see Ray giving some type of explanation and Evie sleeping on the floor

"We need to talk" Charlie said before looking to Ray expectingly "Oh right! I'll just be going then!" Ray told the two before scurrying away "whats up?" Evie asked as Charlie smiled nervously

"I need to tell you something"

Evie nodded at her words before looking at her expectingly "I. Am. A. Fate" She said bluntly as Evie looked confused

"As in the loom of fate?" Evie asked and Charlie rolled her eyes and nodded

"Yes and I need your help hiding the loom"

Evie instantly nodded and Charlie told her that they would be hiding them throughout the multiverse

Evie grabbed the extrapolater and a breech opened up to Earth 2


They were in an ice box at the very bottom of the ocean "Where are we?" Charlie asked looking around the freezing cold box

"Were at the bottom of the ocean, I created a box of ice around us so we could breathe, anyway if we brake some of the ice that were standing on we could probably just dig a hole and barry a piece there"

Charlie nodded as Evie took out a knife and craved a hole in the ice below them and once she made a hole in the ice she dug a hole in the ground and put the ring in it before covering the hole


They breeched back to earth one and ended up at a penthouse in L.A

"Where are we now?" Charlie asked as she saw the place was normal and the people looked untrustworthy

"My ex girlfriend is the daughter of hades, she's practically a god, if anyone can protect the ring it's her" Evie explained

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