Who will win, Killer frost or Caitlin

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Guys there's a robbery at the bank

I'll get everyone out of the building you take down the meta

10 minutes later

Caitlin we need to merge we cant use our abilitys correctly if we dont merge

But If we merge we won't be able to unmerge

I'm good with that (they merge)

1 day later

Killer frost
The plan worked now I have caitlin's new powers now let's ditch this team

Let's go

2 months later savitar and killer frost rule Central City

Mark Martin
Hey frosty

Killer frost
What Mark

Mark Martin
Your comming  with me
(Electricutes Killer frost)

At Mark's hideout

Killer frost
Let me out

Mark Martin
No your team killed my brother (punches her in the face)

(Kills Mark)
Hey are you ok

Killer frost
Ya I'm fine....

Your bleeding Let me help..

At there house

Killer frost
I think we should stop making enemies in this town

Why..and wait is this you or caitlin talking

Killer frost
It's me frost and I just wanna stop killing for a while

Why you love killing it's your name

Killer frost
Savitar I'm pregnant

Killer frost Savitar I'm pregnant

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