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As Taani opens the door,
"Sweetheart!! Akk is here!" Akash screams and jumps to hug Taani.

"Hey Ak! Aww I missed you bf" Tanni grins and balances herself as the weight of the bear is pushing here down.

"Okay Akash, let her breath" Arnav say, Akash grumps as he is forced to let go of his baby sis.

Taani looks up to Arnav and her smile widens, "Bro!!! I missed you so much, come on let's sit" She side hugs him and you can see a soft smile is formed.

Four bodyguards come in to drop the luggage one by one. The gang is stunned to see such built and tall bodyguards.

"Guys! Isn't Akash same Akash sir from the interview?!" Simmi whispers to the gang, they all take another look at the duo brothers and nodded.

"Haan!— ouch!!" As Bharat screams everyone's attention is on him.

"Ak, Bro! Let me introduce you to Swayam Bhai, remember da— umm Rishi Tauji's son" Taani says and the duo brothers know swayam but the relationship between their families is only till Taani. So they just nod and smile.

"And they are his friends" Rey's heart pained a little when she is not even acknowledging him as her friend.

"Anyways let me show you your room so that you both can freshen up" Taani smiles and says as she is giving instruction to the bodyguards.

Arnav looks at everyone present he see a familiar face! Ahhh Arman.

"Armaan Malik! After so long bro" Both shake hands and chat.

The gang on the other side,
"Swayam who are these people?!" Sharon looks at swayam so does the whole gang to know their answers.

"Umm.. these are Taani's real brothers, Arnav singh Raizada and Akash singh Raizada, her real brothers" as Swayam explain Rey felt a little relaxed. But was still annoyed by the Armaan.

"Oh okay but did you hear tanni didn't even call us her friend" Sharon said thinking about how much they must have hurt her.

Rey is in his own thoughts. 'How things have changed can't even say that I am her friend"

Taani POV

"You guys rest, will meet you tomorrow morning for breakfast" Taani said as she saw her brothers getting comfortable in their rooms.

"Taani.. — wait" Aakash said and Taani stopped to look at him.

"Taani I want to know what happened that day". As he said that Taani mind freezes and her heart beats fast in fear of even thinking about that night.

*Flashback Start*
"Rey, please-"

BANG! — bottle was thrown!

Glowering eyes filled with pure anger and disbelief stared down at her. He was supposed to be her loved boyfriend, the man she would have wed one day. Yet, here he was, glaring daggers into her body.

The look he gave her was bone-chilling as if she had brutally slaughtered his entire family. Was it possible to be disgust by someone so much to the point of where their eyes were practically burning with venom?

"You are trying so hard so that I don't participate in the competition just because of your family disagrees with dancers?! Don't you see how much I have sacrificed for you already?"

A simple glance at his infuriated eyes was enough to send chills down one's spine.

Standing next to the ruthless man with his friends. The Reyaansh Singhania, who vowed to ruin anyone that dared to harm her, but see how it everything has changed.

Sharon , his childhood friend for two decades and his best friend for one decade, was unfortunate enough to see this treatment but not do anything about it.

*Flashback Over*
"Bhai let's not talk about this now.. um I will tell you everything soon but.. just not now" Taani said while talking deep breath to calm herself internally as she could feel her anxiety and hurt taking over herself.

Arnav & Aakash looked at her with worry but understood that pushing into to telling won't be fruitful.

"It's okay choti, take your time but know one thing we are always there for you. Okay?" Arnav looked at her with love and tenderness.

Taani nodded and hugged them.
"Okay you both get ready food is ready!"

"Also Taani tomorrow Divya is coming back she called me & we won't be there for breakfast" Aakash told her

"Oh! Alright at least Divya is coming to give me company! Arman also has a surgery here so he will be busy" Taani said

They have dinner and go their rooms to sleep.

While Taani is in her world think about that day.. where as Rey is thinking at his home how much has changed in just few weeks.


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