Chapter 22

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Arnav smiled at his doubtful sister. The promise was that she wouldn't be dragged back to Delhi just because she has establish her life & business here. She was his top consultant, and despite how good she was at running a business, he could see the toll that it took on her.

She was traumatised by something and it was something that even years of therapy have been unable to heal. Right now, he could only hope and pray she gets over her fear or else, her abilities were truly put to waste.

Rey didn't object to her and left this time, but that didn't mean he would be staying here. During the meal, he had contacted swayam to discuss the situtation in his place.

"Hello Swayam! Where are you? Okay meet me at night. My place"

At Rey's place!

"Swayam tell me why did he give me that kind of look?" Rey asked

"Rey I don't know what you're talking about. Just stop overthinking" Swayam tried to avoid to answer the question.

" Swayam what are you trying to hide? I mean what's the big deal? Does he not like you? I mean you all our cousins!" Rey still pressed Swayam to tell him about the situation because he was curious.

Swayam lets out and annoyed, sigh and says "Rey, just stay out of this because this has got nothing to do with you"

After saying that, Swayam leaves Rey's home.

Rey still couldn't let go without knowing so he goes to Swayam's place. As he has outside the bungalow, he wonders what is Tani doing. As he sees her window is open, he decides to climb up her window and see just like the old days!

He climbs inside and sees her sleeping on the bed. A slow smile spread on his face when he realized he can still smell the flowery scent in the room that came from her. He saw that she was sleeping and uncomfortable position and tried to make a feel comfortable while doing that Tani sleeps on his hand.

"It's not good to sleep here." He lightly chided her, despite the fact that she couldn't hear him. Her position was also really awkward. Without a pillow supporting her neck, she would surely wake up sore.

He bent down and scooped her into his arms. "Foolish woman. At least use the fur blanket." He sighed, his eyes trailing to the white fur blanket draped over the far side of the couch she was laying on.

She was as light as he had remembered. As a matter of fact, she seemed to have gotten thinner than the last time he saw her. Did she lose weight again? He frowned at the idea. She was already skinny as it is, if she lost more weight, she'd become a skeleton. He debated whether this has got to do with all the drama.

Like a jewelry master placing a precious jade into a craft box, he gingerly placed her onto the bed. He treated her like a priceless treasure and Rey couldn't figure out why was he still taking this whole fake break up so far!

Seeing her soundly asleep in the bed. He remembers the past scenes how at ease he felt when he had her to lean on for support, and how she shifted her body for him to be in a comfortable position.

She slept without a care in the world and when he looked closer, he nearly chuckled. She was lightly drooling. He shifted her chin upwards so that her mouth was closed.

After making sure she was securely tucked into the bed, he got up to leave.

Taani remained unaware as she was still deep in slumber. Her eyes were peacefully closed, lips slightly parted to slowly breath in, and half of her face was covered with her hair.

His smile got bigger at how messy her hair was. It looked funny, albeit a bit uncomfortable. He brushed her hair aside to reveal her soft pale cheeks. They seemed so inviting, he couldn't help but lightly curl one long finger to caress it. Indeed, they were as smooth and soft as they had looked.

Smiling to himself like a fool, Rey was prepared to leave her room and do look for swayam. But then just as he was about to leave a hand reached out to grip an inch of his cuff. He looked down and saw Taani was still asleep, but this time, her expression was no longer serene.

Taani unconsciously realized the loss of his warmth and quickly reached out for it before it left her. In her nightmare, she was reliving the memory of Rey & Sharon talking about her. She was on the floor, crying, begging him not to leave. Walking away with an arm securely wrapped around the crying Sharon & gang Rey never looked back. The last thing she saw was the fading view of his silhouette, as the world she had built for herself crumbled and the future she prepared for slipped away.

"Don't go!" She sobbed in her dreams, her voice coming out in reality.

Rey's felt his heart skip a beat at her voice, so sweet and pleading. It instantly beckoned him back to her. Like a bear chasing after his honey, he aimed to fulfill all of her wishes, conscious or not.

"Please..." She pleaded in her dreams, trying to stand up to chase after Rey but her legs refused to move.

"Shh, I'm here." Rey gently comforted her, brushing her bangs aside to reveal her round forehead. He grabbed her dainty fingers that desperately clung onto his sleeve.

"There, there..." He whispered, holding her hand and gently patting the blanket.

Within her dream, Taani felt something warm and cuddly wrapped around her. When she looked around and saw a silhouette walking towards her. Her tears had dried up and instead of a heart-wrenching scene she never wanted to remember, there was a figure approaching her.

Shrouded by a mist, the man was tall and a powerful aura surrounded him as he moved. The comforting sound of his leather shoes clicking on the floor made her realize how familiar it sounded. His face was still hidden by the thick fog, but she could see his hand was stuffed into the front pocket of his dress pants.

Coming out of the same fog that Taani left through was Armaan in his full glory. Like before, Taani couldn't control her limbs. She felt like an outsider watching the scene before her unfold.

In her dream, he was saying something to her, but she couldn't hear him. He smiled at her, his eyes tender, and his face gentle.

Her mind became hazy when she looked at him. How could a man look so alluring to the point of where a simple smile was enough to make her go weak?

He said something again, but she still couldn't hear him. Without waiting for her reply, Armaan stuck out a hand to help her up. Taani stared at his outstretched palm. It was rough and yet, it seemed reliable. Her eyes trailed from his palm to his warm and kind expression.

Taani didn't want to reach up to him, but her mind consciously forced her limbs to move. Like a wounded deer terrified of humans, she slowly reached up to him.

With a beckoning smile, he remained patient to her clear hesitation. Even when she warily stared at him like he was crazy, he still stood there without making her feel any pressure. After what felt like forever, Taani finally placed her cold hand onto his. The moment she did so, he quickly enclosed it around hers, his hand providing her the security she needed..

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