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"Love from family, only lucky ones have. Cherish them all your life"

Taani got over with her laughing session and looked at Armaan who is looking blankly at her.

She hits him on his arm
"Armaan you have gotten fat you fatty, get upp" Taani said hitting and pushing him.

Armaan got up and Taani was still laughing.

"It's so nice to see you happy" Armaan said looking at her happy which he hasn't seen he came here.

"Yeah.. all thanks to you" Taani smiles and winks at him.

"Okay come on let's play Mario cart, I'll defeat you this time for sure"

"Hahaha you and defeat me, first at least defeat 2-8 winners then come to me" Armaan said while setting up the game.

They played, laughed, ate did the routine all day.

Armaan dropped Taani at her place in the evening.

Their car stops in front of her house. Taani gets out of the car and Armaan opens his windows.

"Bye, take care" Armaan says and taani smiles at him.

Taani is walking towards her gate suddenly stops 'fuck!' She turns to see Armaan is still waiting.

"Armaan I'm so screwed! Save me pleaseee" Taani said with total panic mode on in her.

"Okay I will help but, what happened?!" Armaan is confused, Taani sits inside the car.

"Drive to the supermarket I'll tell you everything"

Taani tells him about ASR coming to Mumbai and she was suppose to book a room for him.

On the other side.

Sharon get a call from Khusbhoo Maam.

"Hello Ma'am?"

"Sharon Tomorrow at 2:30 pm I will like to see the overall plan for college festival dance plan and also, the proposal for the board members, I hope you remember this and also, if this goes wrong you know what's going to happen" and she hung up the call.

Sharon realised that they have been so caught up in all the events stuff. That they forgot about the projects they have currently. She facepalms herself and sends an sos message to the gang.

'SOS everyone at swayam's house.'

"Swayam! Swayam." She shouts because she is at swayam's house. She walks out of the room to see swayam cooking something.

"Swayam?! What are you doing?" She is confused as they just ate.

"Sharon coffee?" He said turning towards her.

"Swayam coffee let it be, listen to me first" and she narrates everything what khusbhoo Ma'am told her.

"Good that you created an sos I'm sure they all must be on their way" swayam feeling tensed.

While others get the SOS message they all rush to swayam's house.

Here Taani and Armaan are shopping for her family. Taani still doesn't know where will she ask them to stay. She can't ask him to stay at Armaan's even tho it's big and lavish and same as their home in Delhi.

She will have to ask Kaka to clean the top floor. She calls him and tells him to clean those rooms.

"Okay, thank you kaka I know it's late night but I forgot..... okay, also, change the Bedsheets to the ones you put in my room yeah those, okay bye"

And there everyone gather at swayam's room.

They all are in total panic mode as they are not well prepared. If this goes on they are more than screwed.

"Okay guys let's get serious, let's plan everything and we can choreograph today tomorrow we will practice from morning cool" Sharon said and others nodded at her plan. They got busy with all their stuff inside swayam's room.

Unaware of what's going on outside.

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