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"Life is all about roller coaster ride, it won't stop even if you want to stop"

"Armaan, I am late for college hurry up!" Taani asked him while he is driving.

"Yeah yeah yeah, one day to reach late no one is going to go crazy without you, here coffee" Armaan said, but they were unaware of the mess created in the college.

"Ohh thanks much need" and she silently sips coffee. She think about all the things Armaan has been doing for her all these years and this one time he asked for help and I can't even do that. She feels guilty for not being there for him as much as he has been.

"Armaan.. I'll be your fake girlfriend" she said looking at him.

"Wha..what are you serious?" Armaan asked feeling happy inside.

"Yeah.. I mean I know you will have to go through hell and we both are not ready for marriage so why not save time for ourselves and at the same time our families can relax" Taani said looking straight and think about her family whom she has not spoken to for a while.

She gives herself a reminder to call them. They continue their journey to college.

"Guys you know what! Enough" Swayam jerks Rey's hands away and walks out of the college feeling frustrated on how to make the gang understand, or also make them respect Taani.

Seeing swayam storm out Rey and sharon also go behind him. Others felt that he is overreacting right now will be normal soon.

"Swayam! Swayam wait!!" Sharon said and speed walk behind him with Rey.

They were at the entrance of the college.

"Swayam dude, sorry but I had to stop you know the reason" Rey said pleading swayam to understand but it was all in vain.

"No Rey, you could have made them understand in some or different way! There has to be a way to make them respect Taani" Swayam almost shouted but calmed himself.

Sharon was about to answer but she saw, Taani arrives in the car with same guy from yesterday.

"Guys" Sharon said and pointed towards Taani.

They both got down and Taani hugged him and waved at him smiling she turned around and started to walk towards the college.

Armaan stood there watching her leave. This irk Rey to no extent and he left from there in anger.

As Taani came closer she was trying avoid Swayam and Sharon but Swayam blocked her way.

"Taani where where we're you and why didn't you tell me?" He asked in anger but was trying to control.

Hearing Swayam Taani was livid. How the hell he is babying me now? Now after I have picked myself where I won't need anyone.

"Why? Cause you are worried? No right, this also must be for some selfish reasons you may have, anyways it doesn't matter. I don't need to tell you about where I am going? When I used to tell you, I don't think you even wanted to hear, so why now" with that Taani left from there. Leaving a baffled Sharon and Swayam.

Rey storm inside the fire exit, the place where it all started and also ended. He couldn't help but worry that he has already lost her. He remembers all the times they were together her. All the time she would wait for him, for hours but he was busy in rehearsals. He felt so angry he punched the wall.

He starts to reminiscing the time they spent here laughing, fighting, crying and talking just talking. There was a time when they couldn't stay away from each other. Now.. it's all gone.

"Why!! Taani I love you so much" he whispered and cried. The thing he lost, his lost love.

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