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"World is a funny place... sometimes it feels you are so far away from each other, but sometimes it feels like it's a very small place"

Taani says bye to Armaan and goes inside her room.

As Rey, Swayam and Sharon see Armaan leave.

"Who the hell is he and how can he hug, touch Taani like that?!" Rey said in anger and jealousy.

"How would I know Rey!" Swayam said with annoyed as his relation with Taani is breaking and he doesn't know a thing that has been going in her life.

"Guys I'll talk to Taani and see what's happening and if things go well will let you know" Swayam said and got out from the car.

"Swayam!" Sharon tried for talk to him but he didn't even listen.
Sigh "well he is in bad mood" she though.

Rey and Sharon left from their house. But someone was watching them leaving from the balcony.

"Life is funny when you give love to someone and they don't love you back, but when you get the courage to leave them... they come running back to you"

Swayam enters the house and was hungry after the meeting. It was more of talking less of eating.

He searched everywhere there was nothing to eat. Kaka (houseworker) must have gone to sleep and it's already so late at night. He then remembered that normally it's Taani who would be wait for him and give him hot food and today he has lost the right to have her attention also.

He covers his face with both of his hands and thinks maybe needs to talk to him.

He walks towards her room and hesitates to knock but does it anyway.


Taani is sitting on her balcony and thinking about how to reach on Armaan's proposal.

She hears the knock "Taani?!"

'Bhai(brother)' why is he here? Does he want to talk? Why now?!

She opens the door and sees swayam standing with his head bowed.

'Maybe there meeting didn't go well, and he is here to blame me.. because I didn't go with him... maybe' Taani thinks and trying to think of an situation which cause him to talk to her.

"Taani, I am sorry." He sighs and looks into her eyes if any reaction or anything.

But surprisingly nothing at all. She looks at him plainly.

"Why now, there is no need. You are just a great friend but you forgot what brother and son is suppose to do. It's okay, you have chosen your way I'll chose mine" Taani was hurt inside and wanted to complain, scream and be angry towards him. But that wouldn't result in anything. Just pain...

"You can go bhai no need as I said. I am tired." With that Taani went to bed and swayam also slowly went out. Feeling disheartened, about the conversation with Taani.

Next morning


"Taani! I am waiting!"

"I am coming chilling! And shop shouting"

Hearing all the noise swayam woke up and went out to see what's the issue.

"What is going on?!" He asked trying to wake up.

"I am leaving bye!" Taani said and closed the front door. Hearing that swayam was fully awake and shocked. He went outside the door to see who is outside and saw the guy from yesterday. Taani sat and hugged him and left with him.

Swayam was shocked... Taani and left without informing him or even... but how can he expect such a thing from her anyway.

Swayam also after freshening up left for college.

The gang was in the canteen gossiping and waiting for reply from the academy.

"Guys we have a pack schedule so let's focus alright!, So next month we have our company annual function celebration.. and also we have our NDC so let's focus and not waste any time" Sharon said drinking her coffee and all nodded.

"Guys did anyone see Taani?" Swayam asked the gang, as soon as he said Taani's name gang started to make faces.

"Honestly we have been lucky not to see her today" Nil said patting vicky's back. While all others nodded and smiled.

This behaviour annoyed Rey, Sharon and swayam more. He was about to fight, but Rey stopped him, which made him want to just hit something.


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