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"Come to college you need to be here when we are practicing! Don't think you can blame us later or avoid your responsibility just like NDC forms" Vicky said that and cut the call.

"If you're going to college, you need a revenge mode outfit"

Taani jumped, nearly dropping her phone when she heard Divya's determined voice.

Turning around, she was surprised to see her awake.

Sitting up with half of the blanket on her shoulders, Divya tiredly yawned.

"Honestly I'm not wasting my time on them." Tanni sighed, tossing her phone onto the couch.

"I'm sorry for waking you up, was my conversation that loud?" Taani tried to change the topic.

She picked up her broom and went back to sweeping the floor.

"No, I'm just a really light sleeper. And besides, who could sleep when they hear these stupid dancers voice?" Divya scoffed.

Taani laughed at her friend, happy she had someone on her side.

Divya stared at Taani sweeping the floor. It was a soothing sight that made her look like a gentle housewife.

"You should raise the pay of the kaka and have her come three times a week. It's not good to put so much strain on your back." Divya worriedly said.

Taani finished her last sweep and glanced up with a small smile. "Cleaning clears my mind and also gets the work done. Cleaning can be my skill. Besides, kaka recently gave fell sick. He needs the rest."

"You fool. You're good at so many other things, besides cleaning!"

"Because they*1 wanted me to be good at those things." Taani nonchalantly said while placing the broom and dustpan back into the closet.

Divya frowned. "Don't lie to me. I know you enjoyed those skills as well."

Taani smiled as she walked to the kitchen. "Perhaps to some extent, yes, but I was a child whose ambition and dreams were shaped by their desire of having the perfect child." She took out the ingredients for dinner.

"But you were so good at the piano..." Divya muttered under her breath. Because Taani was so far, she didn't hear her.

When she noticed how quiet Divya was, Taani turned around to see her friend lost in thought. She shook her head as she started to cut the ingredients.

After a few minutes of quiet, but oddly comfortable, silence, Divya finally stood up from her position. She wanted to pry more and force her to finally reveal the horrible things that had happened when she wasn't in the country. But she knew it wasn't the wisest move.

Although Taani will never admit it, there was a heavy cloud of somberness around her.

Whenever she was alone, her thoughts were dark and depressing.

Divya noticed that half of Taani's smile contained a hidden layer of heartbreak, sadness, and betrayal. It pained her to see her best friend in such a pitiful state.

Sure, Taani still kept her pride and head high, but she had lost whatever self-confidence she used to own.

Divya missed seeing the girl who confidently laughed, wore anything she liked, and did things without a care in the world. She fumed to herself. That bastard, he really had the audacity to not trust her, but also destroy everything about her!

There was a wonderful smell in the air that could only come from Taani's amazing cooking.

Her train of thoughts broke by the door bell.

"I'll open" Divya walked out of the kitchen to open the door. She opened and Akash & Arnav standing at the door.

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