Chapter 23

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From the light ticking of the clock on the wall, the perfect view of the city, the bright light of the cars beneath, and the calming scent of cotton, everything about this room screamed comfort.

Sitting on the large window isle, Taani stared at the city below her. She took a sip of from her wine glass, twirling it around and chuckling to herself at the taste of the lemon water.

Taani was trying her best to not drink alcohol because it reminded her of horrible memories of self-hatred and doubt. While staring at the scenery of the city, she unknowingly fell asleep and soon found herself stuck in a nightmare.

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Taani's phone went off the next morning, startling her from the nightmare she was experiencing. In her tired and groggy state, she reached for the phone.

She groaned at the soreness of her body. "I slept in such an uncomfortable position, no wonder my body hurts," She muttered to herself.

Without looking at the caller ID, she tiredly picked up the phone. "...Hello?" She greeted, her voice laced with heavy exhaustion.

"Taani, did you just wake up?" The deep and powerful voice of her brother  immediately snapped Taani from her sleepy trance.

Despite the fact that Arnav was not watching her, Taani sat up straighter. "Yes, I did." She sheepishly responded.

A low chuckle could be heard. "My dear, it's one in the afternoon. It's not good to sleep that long." He mused. "I hope you didn't fall asleep drinking some sort of wine or whiskey?" Though his voice was light and warm, there was a hidden layer of warning beneath it.

Taani cracked a smile, even though she knew he couldn't see it. No, of course not. I promised you I'd stop drinking so much, didn't I?" She picked up the wine glass of lemon water and placed it in the kitchen sink.

After a few seconds of careful thinking, she added, "But that doesn't mean I've been perfect. I drank lemon water out of a wine glass last night."

Arnav released a chuckle of hearty laughter at the image of his sister sulking over lemon water. "As long as it's not wine, I am fine with whatever glass you drink from." He was entertained by her words.

He was glad she was finally changing her alcoholic ways. It had already ruined her once. He did not want history to repeat itself.

"Did you have lunch yet,Taani?" He asked, clearly having an ulterior motive.

Taani raised a brow at his question. She prayed he didn't join on the blind dates train. She already had one yesterday!

"Not yet. Did you?" She asked, placing the glass into the kitchen sink.

"No, I did not. How about you have a nice chat with me in one of the restaurants near my office?" He suggested, standing up from the leather chair.

Taani already knew he had other plans, but she was too lonely to care. "Sure, I'd love to." She quietly said.

"Good, I will see you in one hour."

"Alright, goodbye, Bhai."

"Goodbye, baby sis." He hung up the phone.

Taani began to get ready. She knew if he wanted to meet near his office, she would eventually get dragged into the enormous corporation. So she brushed her teeth, took a shower, and wore something business casual.

Stepping out of the her car, Taani was beginning to garner the attention of a few onlookers. Because the restaurant was really popular and famous among the socialites.

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