Chapter 24

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Taani knew it was unwise to meddle with that man anymore. It was especially unwise to try to attack the apple of Arvind's eyes, Malvika.

Malvika was heavily guarded and protected. If one dared to harm his beloved, they would suffer far more than they could afford.

Because the Malik's were the third most powerful family in the country, no one dared to antagonize them.

The previous Taani from a few years ago was not afraid of the warning signs. She had constantly placed a target on Malvika's back. She went as far as slandering and bullying Malvika who never fought back.

In her spite, Taani had dug deep into Malvika's background, then discovered something she shouldn't have.

When she tried to expose her discovery, Malvika quickly approached Arvind first. And because it was the first time she ever asked for his help, her father, Arvind was more than willing to help her. It lead to Taani's biggest downfall and the loss of something extremely precious and irreplaceable.

Taani would never be able to forget the taunting and horrifying memory of her father's disgusted stare when she begged him to stay with her. She was on her knees, clinging and grasping to him. And what did he do to the daughter? He threw her to the streets and fend for herself.

"Taani, you're spacing out again." Aakash chided when he saw Taani's blank stare.

"I'm sorry bhai... I just have a lot in my mind." Taani sheepishly said while taking a sip of the tea.

After ordering their food a while ago, the two were almost done eating.

"I can tell." He hummed, wiping his mouth with the cloth.

Taani smiled at his bluntness. He wasn't the type of man to comfort people or offer them kind words. He showed his affection and kindness towards her in deliberate and small actions that were hard to catch without paying close attention.

She didn't mind his behavior.

"You're wearing quite professional clothes today." Taani pointed out, staring at her white blouse and black pants.

"Yes, I was already expecting you might set me up in a meeting as usual when you invited me to a restaurant close to the corporation." Arnav laughed, the sound warm and hearty. "It seems you've already figured out my plans. But not today, my dear. It's nothing more than a casual lunch." He smiled, setting down his cup of tea.

Taani slowly nodded and in the next thirty minutes, they had brief conversations on the last couple of days that Arnav was out of town.

- - - - -

After the lunch, Taani went to college to repeat the same, mundane routine. There was nothing interesting in her life.

A few months ago, her life used to revolve around Reyansh, his friends and nothing else. Her schedule used to be filled with doing his paperwork, filing his AGS duties, covering for the team and wasting her entire day to help him and run around his friends.

Taani stepped out of the taxi and picked up her pace when she realized the sky was turning dark. The minute she stepped into the large lobby of college, the rain poured down.

From a tiny droplet to a storm as thunder rumbled in the distance, the rain became a harsh downpour.

Stepping into the hallways, Taani was pleasantly surprised to see the peon.

"Good evening, Taani!" The woman greeted.

"Good evening to you as well." Taani offered a warm smile to the peon.

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