Chapter 26

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The next morning, as Taani awakened to the savory scent of breakfast in the air, her stomach growled in anticipation. She rubbed her eyes and looked around, still slightly disoriented. Aakash walked in with a tray of delicious food, and she couldn't help but smile like a little girl at her favorite dishes.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Aakash teased as he placed the tray on the bench.

Taani's smile widened as she stretched her arms. "Good morning, Aakash bhai. You always know how to make me smile with food."

Aakash chuckled and sat down with Taani. Soon, NK joined them, and they all enjoyed a pleasant breakfast together. The siblings chatted about random things, making Taani forget her recent ordeal for a while. It was times like these that Taani cherished the most, moments of simple happiness with her family.

As they finished their meal, Aakash leaned back in his chair. "Taani, I heard from Arman that you collapsed because you were pushing yourself too hard."

Taani sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I guess I've been overwhelmed with everything lately."

NK placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You know we're here for you, right? You don't have to carry everything on your own."

Taani smiled gratefully. "I know, NK bhai. I'm just lucky to have you guys."

Meanwhile, in the lobby, the D3 gang had been waiting anxiously for updates. Swayam glanced at Rey, who still seemed deeply affected by the situation. Sharon stood nearby, looking concerned. They had all been instructed to stay away from Taani for now, which only added to their worry.

Swayam placed a hand on Rey's shoulder. "Rey, you need to calm down. Taani is in good hands, and we're not helping anyone by being so anxious."

Rey nodded, taking a deep breath. "You're right, Swayam. I just... I can't help but worry about her."

Sharon stepped closer, her expression softer. "We all care about her, Rey. But we need to trust that Arnav and her family are taking care of her."

Back in Taani's hospital room, Aakash spoke up. "Taani, do you want to talk about what's been bothering you?"

Taani hesitated for a moment, her gaze dropping to her hands. "It's just... a lot of things have been happening. My past, my decisions, everything seems to be catching up with me."

NK leaned forward, concern evident in his eyes. "You can tell us, Taani. We're here for you, no matter what."

Taani smiled tearfully. "I will bhai but, not today. Please"

Arnav entered the room, his presence commanding attention. "How are you feeling now, Taani?"

Taani looked at him and felt a warmth in her heart. "Better, Bhai"

Arnav nodded, a soft smile on his lips. "Good, now you will be at the hospital for next 2 days for observation."

"But, bhai! Please let's go home." Taani pleads Arnav with her puppy dog eyes.

"Taani! Stop okay your puppy eyes won't work today! Don't you know you collapsed today in my arms!" Arnav was so angry that he could hit something. He was feeling really stupid and careless that he could have let things so bad for his baby sis.

"Taani, please listen" Aakash softly said that to Taani and sighed.

Just as Taani was going to say something the door opens.

"Hey bestie! How are you feeling?" Arman walked in following him a nurse.

The nurse checks the IV bag and the other machines.

"I am much better now" Taani said smiling

"You might think that but it's just the IV. Arnav Bhai, can we talk" Arnav looks at Arman and nods.

Arnav and Arman walked outside the lobby.

"Arnav, Taani might look better but we need to keep on checking her. I think you should tell her.." Arman sighed and said this in one breath.

Arnav glared at the last line. That glare chilled Arman to his bones.

"Arman, we have discussed this before. And you only know this because of that one mistake but be careful of your words" with that Arnav left Armaan standing there in the lobby.

Later as the day went on, Taani spent quality time with her siblings. They talked, laughed, and even teased each other, creating a sense of comfort and normalcy in her life. She knew she was lucky to have them.

Outside the hospital, the D3 gang were growing restless.

"Guys! Let's go yaar what's the point of being here" Vicky said with a feeling of annoyance.

Ignoring Vicky Rey sighed, feeling a mix of guilt and concern. "I need to see her, Swayam. I can't just stay away like this."

Swayam placed a hand on Rey's shoulder again. "Rey, give her some time. Let her recover. Once she's back on her feet, you can talk to her."

Rey nodded reluctantly. "You're right, Swayam. I just want her to know that I care."

Back in the room, Taani closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew that healing wouldn't happen overnight, but she felt a renewed determination to face her challenges with the support of her family by her side.

As the day turned into night, Aakash, NK, and Arnav stayed by her side, making sure she was comfortable. The gang respected the family's wishes and kept their distance, understanding that Taani needed time and space.

And as the moonlight filtered through the window, Taani felt a sense of peace wash over her. She closed her eyes, feeling safe and protected in the company of her loved ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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