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"Love and Hate have a very thin line between them."

"S.K Hotel"

All the gang members reached the venue early as they wanted to make a impression.

"Guys we need to be very pro-pro-
"He means professional Amar helps to complete Bharat sentence.

"Yeah guys, okay so guys please no wrong language it will ruin our chance also! No attitude okay!" Sharon said to all facing them.

All of them are very nervous. They wall went inside and sat at the reserved table.

"Guys let's order something?" Neha said asking everyone.

"No! Guys manners we can't order before everyone is here" Rey reminds them, their manners.

Shivams enters

Swayam was looking around to see if VP sir and Ma'am came or not but see someone he never expected to see.
"Shivam?!" Swayam said shockingly and that causes everyone to look at him and then where his eyes are.

Shivam enters the hotel and goes directly to a table which is just opposite theirs. The waiters sets some food and drinks which he didn't even order!

But one thing no one know this hotel is owned by him. They were going to react to his presence but VP sir and Ma'am just called them.

"Impressive! You guys are early." Said smiling and pulled a chair for Ma'am and then sat.

"So guys you ready to face reality?" Khusbhoo Ma'am asked. She is wishing for their failure as they have not understood that their is reality ahead of dance.

"Yes ma'am, we have prepared ourselves even tho if fail we know we will win them with our dance" Sharon says, which causes Ma'am to roll her eyes and just just give a sarcastic smile. She then turns to sir.

"So, Taani is really not coming?" She asked Sir, heading her they were surprised because they though she will be here as it's college business.

"Well she is correct this is none of her business.. and she has done enough for the college I can't ask for her personal time" VP sir said calmly and looked at the gang.

Khusbhoo Ma'am was listening to sir and as soon as he completed his sentence. She saw Taani entering the hotel.

"Taani is here !" All eyes turned around and Rey, Swayam and Sharon took a relief sigh. They think she will boost the whole conversation. Where as the gang roll their eyes and Annoyed by her being here.

But she doesn't walk towards them. Guess, yes she walked towards Shivam. She taps at his shoulders and Shivam looks behind with annoyed look but seeing it's Taani he has a bright smile on his face.

He smiles and hugs her tightly. Taani laughs and reciprocate the hug. They both part which felt like a thousand years to Rey.

"Dude! Long time" Shivam says holding Tanni from shoulders.

"I know right?, but you called and here I am" Taani smiles and sits on the chair which Shivam pulls for her.

"So, how's college and... gang?!" Shivam said with caution but already regretting asking that but as we say curiosity killed the cat.

"Well I don't care and can we not talk about them! Please.." Taani felt sad thinking about everything again.. it has been exhausting mentally for her.

"Okay sorry, so excited to meet Armaan after so long?" Shivam says in teasing mode.

"Well yeah... we haven't spoke from 2 months, he has been busy with his duty and me with mine" she said eating from Shivam's plate and then drank his juice.

"Okay so listen I have a very important job for you" he said in serious tone

Taani looked at him and was about to laugh at him.

"Okay tell me my job" she said, trying to stop her laugh.

"I need you to be my girlfriend" he said with a serious face...

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