Chapter 15

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"How can you even ask me to not participate?!" He spat out each word, every syllable prickling her heart.

The gang watched from the corner, their mouths moving non-stop as they mocked, gossiped, and laughed at Rey's once beloved Taani, whose reputation and relationship was pushed to ruins.

Taani glanced up at the man. Her heart was torn in every direction and painfully ached at the horrible stare he was giving her.

"Rey, I-"

When did it all go wrong?

Taani had dedicated all of her time, attention, and college life to him. When he needed help in his rehearsals, she was there as the GS of the college.

She helped him pull strings, did Ags work, and allowed herself to be pushed into the brink of stress, worrying over issues that he should've cared about. And while she slaved away at his responsibilities, so that he can rehearse and fulfils his dream.

Taani's long, slender fingers curled into fists. Because of her naivety and heart, she had decided to fall deeply in love with him.

Rey narrowed his eyes at her numb state.

When she was new to college, she was quite normal and caring. Now that she has gotten GS title, he saw how much of a non-ambitious woman she was.

How despicable.

He was fine when she displayed signs of being naive and not bold like Kriya. But she had severely crossed the line when she dared to taunt and keep him away from his friends and dance his first love.

Who did she think she is? He allowed her to be a part of the gang, treat her well and this is how she repays him? By attempting to take him away from his dance and people?

If looks could kill, she would've long been cremated and her ashes would have been thrown into the sewers. The atmosphere was frigid, nipping Taani's heart.

Perhaps her anger and delusion had finally cracked her, but she wanted to laugh at the title he placed over his friends. His life decision makers? More like his Wife's.

"Don't try and make decisions in my life, Do you understand me?" Rey hissed in anger when he saw her distant expression.

Suddenly, bubbles of confidence surged within Taani. It was fueled by her anguished heart that desired revenge for being torn, stomped, and disregarded.

"And if I don't?" She retorted back at him, her fiery temper beginning to come out again.

Who would've thought the Devil was capable of love?

"Rey, let's not pay any more attention to her. I'm beginning to pity her..." Nil said, others nodded only, Sharon and Swayam just stared at her.

He always agreed to whatever the gang desired. He was puppet by their decision, and every inch of his heart did not have any place for her.

Taani wanted to keep her mouth shut, but her heart was begging her to open her mouth and seal her fate. Nothing mattered anymore.

Her pride was destroyed, her confidence was in shambles, the people had humiliated her and her reputation was blasted into nothingness. What more did she have to lose? Something hot, angry, and bitter trickled down her eyes.

She nearly laughed, until she realised it wasn't tears of sorrow. It was tears of her anger that came from the violent waves of her broken heart.

Taani saw red. She slowly stood up, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

But a force was holding her down. "Stay down, it's futile to fight back" A voice whispered to her.

When Taani glanced to the side, she was startled to see a mirror reflection of herself. Was she going crazy? Was all this anger and delusions finally getting to her? Did the heart break slap the senses out of her?

"He'll destroy you if you try to change him or go back to him." The woman softly told Taani.

When Taani reached a hand to push the woman away, the hand went straight through her. Gasping in shock, Taani stared at the woman with her eyes wide open. And that's when the floor beneath her collapsed.

Taani stood in an abyss of darkness, unsure of where she went wrong.

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