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"Real friends are your biggest supporters and let you be yourself"

When Vikram's car was far into the distance, Taani turned toward Divya with a deep scowl. She crossed her arms and glared daggers from her eyes.

Divya shrunk back, knowing she was in for an earful.

"Another blind date?! That was the twice this month!" Taani bit out, her temper slightly rising.

No matter how many times she told Divya that she was fine being single, the stubborn woman wouldn't listen! Blind dates after blind dates and in the least expected times too!

"But Taani, you're going to be lonely when I leave for my trip next month!" She whined, grabbing Taani's arm and swaying her side by side.

Taani sighed, pinching the spot between her brows. "Like I've told you a billion times before, I'm fine being single. I like my peace and quiet." She frowned. She knew Divya was looking out for her. The blind dates came from good intentions, but she was beginning to grow annoyed at Divya's persistence.

What's wrong with being single?

"But, Taani-"

"No buts." Taani interrupted, hailing down a cab to take her home.

Divya pouted upon seeing how eager she was to leave her. "Don't leave me yet! You might not be lonely, but I most certainly am!" Like a child eager to spend more time with her parents, she clung onto her Taani.

Taani laughed at her childish friend.

Divya's pout was absolutely adorable and if she was a man, she'd surely do anything to please her.

But she wasn't and pouts didn't work on her. "My dear, you have a lot more friends—"

"But I like you the most!" Divya childishly stomped the ground, her silver anklets twinkling.

The long list of friends and acquaintances that Divya had were endless. It was incredible how she was able to make so many friends have constant plans, and yet still have time for herself.

Because Divya was the only daughter of the prestigious and wealthiest family in the country, many people clung onto her like flies. They always sought after Divya's presence in social gatherings because it would significantly boost their status.

Taani was different.

She didn't follow after Divya like a lost puppy. Instead, she was independent and very selective of her friends, which forced Divya to cling onto her instead.

"Don't be mad at me, Taani. I only wanted the best for you." Divya widened her eyes and jutted her lips out into a deeper pout.

Taani laughed and patted Divya's head. "Okay, okay, fine. Come to my house and I'll lecture you for a bit more, then we can watch that show you really like."

- - - - -

After going back to Taani's home, binge-watching an entire season of a variety show on blind dates, and then throwing popcorn at the screen, Divya was officially burned out. Slumped on the couch, she was in a deep slumber. She slept like a child with her body curled into a ball and arms tucked underneath her face.

Taani chuckled at the sight and placed a heavy blanket over her. After tying up her long hair, she began to clean up the mess they've made.

Taani figured it was best to not be so lazy. She was twenty this year and a grown adult.

She knew she could never be back to being naive & a person who can be easily manipulated, but she swore to herself she would definitely try to make positive changes in her present and future life.

When she was sweeping the popcorn bits into the dustbin, her phone went off. Looking at the contact, she frowned.

Sharon calling..

Taani hesitated to pick up the call, but on the last ring, she did. The minute she did so, Vicky's voice blared out of the phone.

"Why did you take so long to pick up? Are you trying to not do your job as GS?!" Vicky's voice screeched over the phone, his voice rising louder and louder with gang talking loudly behind.

Taani held the phone away from her ears.

Vicky & Nil rambled and yelled about Taani's hesitation of picking up the call and making them wait longer than needed. After a few minutes of nonstop non-sense talking, Taani couldn't handle it anymore. "Dearest student, please reach your conclusion soon."

"You —"

"Yes, yes, I'm not doing my work properly, and you wish you never met me. We've already established that." Taani already memorized the gang's insults.

Every brutal stabbing of reality was given by them. They were ruthless and showed no respect or basic boundaries for her. She can't blame them Rey & Swayam her brother allowed that. She allowed that but not anymore.

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