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How many of you want Armaan and Taani comment 🥰 and Rey and Taani 😍... let's see which is highest will add scenes 😉

"Losing someone is hurtful but losing yourself is more hurtful"

Taani storm inside after hearing Swayam rant and that shit not only hurt her but also annoyed her.

Where was he when the whole college including him blamed her for every single thing. Where was he when she was... no I won't think about that day never in my life I was go through that again. That day made me feel so lonely that it felt like what if I was invisible and no one ever thought of me or even care about me if I went missing.

Tears came into her eyes thinking about that day. She calmed her self and wiped the tears. 'Be strong, Taani' and smiled because that smile is for herself only.

She went and got busy with her college GS duties and lectures.
During lectures Rey came and Taani saw his hand which was bandaged. She wanted to ask him but stopped herself from say anything or even glancing at him.

After lectures she went outside and waited for Armaan. While she was waiting her phone rang. She saw the Caller ID and felt very happy.

"Diii, I missed you so much, I am so sorry for not calling or texting your for dinner past one week, I have been so busy and forgot about even eating!"

"Hey, I know you okay you and forget eating impossible... anyways don't give me reasons., anyways I have good news for you" Di said giggling and happy.

"Really tell me..!!"

"Okay, so Akash is in Mumbai and also Chote will also come to Mumbai tonight so book a place for him to stay. And how are you?." Di said, her last sentence made Taani think about her mental health and state. Which is weak but she is her Di's sister and she will stay strong for that.

"I... I was not good but, now I am better a lot better actually. So don't worry about me Di" Taani said wiping away the tears. Her heart felt heavy and wanted to talk her Di but she knew if she says they all will come here running.

"Taani, you know na if you don't tell me I'll be running to Mumbai on the next flight! And chote is coming anyways" When Di said Chote she felt goosebumps on her skin.

"Di don't you dare tell him okay! I'll tell you the whole story soon okay, now I have to rush, bye" she cuts the call and rushed to her lectures.

After college Taani went to Armaan's place. She reached his house, which is more like a mansion.
"Armaan... Armaan... i am hungry" Taani shouted and entered him house.

"Hello Ma'am, oh! I'm so sorry I didn't recognised you in first look, Princess Taanishri." The maid looked down in shame and felt she will be fired now.

"Hey it's Taani okay! It's okay first cook something delicious okay then I'll forgive you okay... great now fast come onnn" hearing Taani she rushed inside the kitchen to make food and ordering the chefs.

"Taani you already here, why didn't you shout i would have come down" Armaan said and Taani gave him a look. He was wearing earplugs... he realises and scratch's his head cutely.

"Stupid" Taani murmured.
"What did you say?! Huh..." and Armaan ran to catch her they both ran everywhere and laughed. Armaan finally catches her and landed on the sofa.

Taani is still laughing not realising the moment or the position. It's still her childhood friend trying to lighten her mood and annoy her.

Armaan looks at Taani intensely, her laugh, her lashes, her lips, her cheeks everything is beyond beautiful. She is beautiful inside out.

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