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"Some times we keep ourselves at the last and others at priority"

This fake girlfriend with Shivam especially won't work after their last experience.

"Daam it shivam we were good friends as again you want to spoil! You know what let Armaan come I'm sure he will give you great beating" Taani said with anger. She huffs and sits back avoiding any talk with Shivam.

"Hahaha gosh it's worst than I thought" Shivam said and laughed loudly, and Taani looked at him as if he is gone crazy.

"Okay what the hell is going on?! And seriously stop laughing you stupid" Taani said confused and annoyed with Shivam if he was playing this game.

"Let Armaan come you will know very clearly" he says this and winks. Pulls out his phone and calls Armaan.

"Hey dude where are you?!"
"Look behind, you duffer"
And shivam looks behind. He gets up and goes towards him.

"My man, long time!!!" And they both did a man hug.

Armaan eyes fell on Taani who is eagerly waiting for Shivam to move.

"Babe!" Taani says this and smiles.
Armaan opens his arms for her to come. Taani runs towards him and hugs him tightly.

Few tears shed and laughs and they let go each other.

"Missed you babe" Taani said and Armaan wipes few tears from her face.

"Missed you too darl" Armaan says and hugs again.

"We didn't even talk for days, so much has happened and I don't know what to do it's been so exhausting" and she sobs, seeing her crying Armaan feels guilty of being so busy and not giving her time and also felt tensed about what has happened exactly with her.

But now he has a lot of time to give here. She is going to be fine now. He will make sure.

While all this was happening the gang was witnessing all this.

Swayam heart felt a pinch, she was being strong for herself and me as his brother couldn't do anything. Couldn't console her, or even stand up for her. How shameless has he become in the whole thing he forgot his family and have all importance to friends.

Sharon also felt guilty for not clearing every misunderstanding that was not Taani's fault. The CS post, when she resigned to prioritise the events.

The gang as usual felt that Taani was over acting and didn't give much thought to the whole scene. Other than that she was in some new guys arms.

"Okay now she is overacting I mean come on it is not that bad okay!" Vishakha said with anger and frustration.

"Enough Vishakha that's my sister and you don't know actually we all don't know what she has gone through... me too" he said with pain and looked at Sharon whole saying last words.

But there Rey was feeling heavy with guilt and anger towards himself. A hour how self-centred he is.

Where as Taani knew she could only break down in front of someone who she trusted and who will stay by her but also correct her when she is wrong. All this time she felt alone and miserable. Now the Armaan is here she feels relaxed and happy.

"Okay let's go and Taani stop crying I am sure Armaan news will get you to, maybe killing him." Shivam said and laughed a bit, trying to lighten the mood. Taani looks at Shivam in confusion and then looks at Armaan asking him what's going on? Raising her eye brows.

"Umm.. uh Taani let's sit na I came from airport directly" Armaan said.

Shivam phone rings
"Guys Shriya is here I'll go and get here" Shivam got a call and ran away like a kid.. well he will obviously, his Gf is here.

"So.. what was Shivam telling?! You know, you can ask me anything! I'll willingly die for you." Taani said in all seriousness.

"I know babe but I think this is too much to ask for" he said shrugging it.

"But first ask na!" Taani forced him.

"Okay.. um it's like.. so.. dadi wants me to get engaged!" Armaan said avoiding her eyes

There gang was busy trying to keep their nervousness and jitters inside till the whole meeting is over. The people from academy are running late. Rey and Swayam are trying to keep their emotions in check to so they don't burst.

Keep reading and enjoy the fan fiction.  💕

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