Chapter 25

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Taani groaned to herself when she groggily woke up, her body sore and feeling light-headed.

"I need to stop this bad habit of sleeping on random surfaces." She sighed after trying to open her eyes.

Just when taani opened her eyes she looked around and saw she is in a hospital.

Arman and a few nurses walked in the room. Taani was hooked up to the devices, as she looked around she was more confused.

"Taani, are you okay sis?" Arnav worriedly asked.

Taani just nods as she is still prosesing the situation.

Arman glares at Taani, "Her condition is stabilised but she needs to take a lot of rest and sleep properly."

"Yes! Taani please take care of yourself. This is not a joke. You know you scared us so much." Aakash said this.

Taani nodded and opened her mouth to say something "wa—-

"Water? Okay" Arman gets warm water and make her drink.

Arnav and Arman both are helping Taani.

Swayam and the gang were in the lobby were notified about Taani's consciousness and they all rushed.

Swayam, Rey and Sharon rushed first and caught the sight of Arman and Taani close again. Seeing this scene was like a crack on Rey's heart.

The gang were guided to the VVIP ward which was something completely different. Only the president, the prime minister, and extremely high ranking military officials could enter the room.

It wasn't something that money or status could buy, but Arnav could easily and effortlessly gain entrance.

When they stepped into the room, most people would've been shocked or awed at the  space. However, seeing everyone inside sat with a poker face like nothing fazed them.

The gang were surprised to see their nonchalant and bland expression. Most people, regardless of their wealth or standing, would at least be slightly impressed by the gorgeous room suitable for royalty.

"Wow Kya room Hai!" Nil says to Vicky and guys. They all nodded and were still in awe of the interiors.

The VVIP hospital ward looked like one of the fancy rooms in the Buckingham Palace, yet these people stood there, completely unfazed!

Swayam saw Rey was staring at  Taani and Arman and was hurt to see her like this. Rey rushes towards Taani without thinking and the Raizada brothers are taken aback!

"Taani, why are so so stubborn! Can't you take care of yourself? Do you even care about us?  How worried we all are—" Rey keeps on rambling without any care but is stopped by Taani

"Who are you to worry about me? Please get out." Taani says in a week voice

Rey was taken aback hearing this and was not sure how to respond.

Swayam pats on his back but he shrugged it off.

"You want me to leave? Then I will be please... Please take care of yourself" Rey said this and he leaves.

"Guys please leave the room we are here for my princess" NK says this and closes the door as everyone leaves.

At night a guys opens a door and enters. It's Taani's room she is sleeping. He sits near the bed and takes Taani's cold hand onto his. He quickly enclosed it around hers, his hand providing her the security she needed or she should have got way before.

This is a risk that Rey is willing to take. Because when Taani is awake she won't talk to him or even let him take care of her!

Taani might've been connected to an IV drip and barely conscious, but one lift Arnav's, finger would been enough to be thrown and banned from the country's top Hospital.

Next morning

Taani awakened to hints of a savory and delicious scent in the air. Her stomach growled as she sniffed.

Tiredly, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her gaze was hazy as she felt around the bed for her phone but then realized this was not her bed. She instantly panicked and snapped out of her dazed state. She opened her eyes and realised she is in the hospital.

"You're awake." Aakash said when he walked into the room with a tray of delicious food.

"Ohhh my favourite" Taani smile like a little girl. Looking at Taani Aakash, NK & Arnav smiled.

Aakash kept the the food on the bench. They all sat together and had their breakfast.

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