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Swayam's house

Here outside Taani is cleaning and making food for her brothers and Armaan is helping her.
And inside the gang is busy with their plans for tomorrow.

"Ohh god finally everything is ready! What's the time?!" Taani asked Armaan.

"Umm it's 10:30 pm already, shouldn't they be here already?" Armaan asked Taani and looking the time of their landing again.

"Yaa, it's good that they are late, we can relax a bit.." Taani sighed and kept her head on his shoulder.

Armaan saw that her eyes closed slowly and Taani drift to sleep. He smiled looking at her and kissed her forehead lightly.

'If only you could love me as much as you loved Rey, I would have been much better to you and your heart' Armaan though and smiled sadly at his luck.

*The bell rang*

Taani still didn't get up, Kaka came from inside and went to open the door.

"Taani, Taani wake up your brothers are here" Taani slowly opened her eyes and looked around.

She saw no one was there and hit Armaan.
"Liar, no one is here yet. Now let me sleep" she said angrily and pouted.

"Choti! Seriously are you blind that you can't see us?!" Taani turned around to see all her three brothers. She forgot all about her sleep and had the brightest smile on her face.

"Bro!!! I missed you" Taani ran towards them and give them a big hug.

Inside Swayam's room

" Finally guys, We are done will all the planning!" Swayam sighs in relief that they have a plan put together for tomorrow and he is just hoping that the team is not over confident.

"Yeah seriously, I am hungry guy!" Simi says, and everyone nodded to that.
"Okay then guys let's order pizza and watch a movie outside, hm" Sharon says and orders a pizza on the phone.

"Sounds like a plan" the gang were chilling and started to discuss things about tomorrow.

The bell rings, here Taani and Armaan in the kitchen think it's the brothers, whereas the gang thinks it the pizza.

As Taani and Armaan rush out of the kitchen to open the door. The same time gang comes out of the room for the same.

They both are stunned to look at each other. As they both were unaware of their presence.

"Tanni you?! —" the bell rings again and Taani rushes to open the door. She opens the door and.....

Who do you think it is?!....

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