Set Up - John and Roger, Freddie and Brian

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I have a request from fat_bottomed_badger for Dealor/Frian!

Brian's POV

I had my nose in my physics revision book before the phone rang. As I was the only one in the house right now I got up and answered it.

"Brian! We are running out of time!" The voice on the other end was shrill compared to the tranquility I had set myself whilst revising for my exams.

"Good afternoon Freddie. I'm alright thanks. The weather is good, yes." I had a little sarcastic conversation with myself

"No Bri this is serious!" Freddie shrieked again, causing me to pull the phone away from my ear

"What are we running out of time for?" I asked with a bit of a huff

"Prom! We need to set John and Roger up. They are perfect for each other! Perfect!" Freddie's voice now turned a bit whiny. Anyone else would probably get a bit annoyed with his theatrics but I knew this was part of him and it's wrong to want to change something that is in the fabric of his being. Knowing him he has probably been this dramatic since birth. Honestly, I loved his flamboyant character.

"Oh yes, right. Any ideas?" Yes, we were trying to set them up, and have been for a while. We were completely lost for ideas by now. Prom was just after exams so yes, time was running out.

A few seconds of silence came over the phone, "You know what? I think I actually do..."

John's POV

After school I was going to Roger's house to do some 'studying'. It's the prefect excuse if Brian or, god forbid, Freddie found out we were spending time together. Well, me and Roger are in fact together. We just haven't told anyone. Mainly because we want to take things slow but also because Freddie would probably die if he found out. He and Brian have been trying to set us up for ages. Me and Roger just go with it, we're already together so it doesn't really bother us. Honestly, it makes us laugh because Freddie and Brian have unknowingly become closer and closer whilst trying to get us together. They'll end up as boyfriends, I know it.

"What are you thinking about?" Roger asked sweetly as his fingers played with my hair. We were laid on his bed listening to some records.

"About Freddie and Brian. They'll end up together" I smiled at the thought. They are great for each other. Brian has a strange understanding with Freddie that you don't often see with 'just friends'.

"D'ya think?" Roger furrowed his brows

"Yeah. At least by prom" I told him and he nodded

"Oh! That reminds me, I overheard them the other day trying to find a way to get us to go to prom together" Roger chucked

I laughed to and moved myself so I was cuddled into his side instead of resting my head on his lap.

"Well. We could save them a lot of hassle by telling them" I suggested

"How about we let them get all wound up over it and then we tell them at prom?" Roger planned

"That's a good idea. So, if they ask me who I'm going to prom with, I'll just say that I'm going with Veronica or someone" I had my friendship group of Bri, Fred, and Rog, but I made friends with Veronica from my Religious Education class. The others aren't in that class with me so I made a friend to make the time go quicker.

"Yeah. And I'll just say that prom is for losers and I'm not going. I think that will break Freddie's heart more than me not going with you" Roger grinned devilishly

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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