Criticising - Roger and Brian

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We have a request for Maylor by Happieness2001 !!!

The streets of London were so busy that nobody would've taken notice of the feud going on outside of the recording studio which was currently being used by Queen.

"Rog!" Brian called out

"Go away!" The blonde shrieked

"Roger!" Brian huffed, using his long legs to his advantage of catching up to the drummer

"This is that last time Bri" Roger shouted

"Can you let me talk?" Brian asked hopefully

"What! What do you want?" Roger turned around suddenly, nearly making Brian walk straight into him

"One, please calm down. Two, I wasn't criticising your playing, I was criticising Freddie's instructions" Brian explained


"Darling, try that again but a bit softer" Freddie instructed

"Alright" Roger nodded before redoing the drum section. They were recording Stone Cold Crazy for their new album, Sheer Heart Attack

"That's not right. It shouldn't be like that" Brian said. He thought the song needed a more powerful drum sound

"Well thanks a lot Bri!" Roger lost his temper, "Y'know what? I'm done with this, all of this" Roger then stormed out of the room

"Who's turn is it?" John spoke up from the small sofa they had in the control room

"I'll go. I am his boyfriend after all" Brian volunteered even though he was pretty sure it was Freddie's turn to calm down the drummer. This wasn't the first time Roger had blown a fuse.

~end of flashback~

"How do you expect me to be calm Brian? I'm so bloody mad!" Roger raged

"Please Roger" Brian nearly pleaded

"No, I'm done. With this, with you, with Queen" Roger scowled

"W-with m-me?" Brian's lip trembled

"Yes!" Roger said. He didn't mean it, he was just so angry

"No Rog, please!" Brian went to reach out to Roger but he moved back, stepping into the road

In the corner of his eye, Brian could see a big truck coming Roger's way. Without a second thought he grabbed hold of Roger and pulled him out of the road just as the truck came speeding by.

"Get off me!" Roger thrashed before realising what happened. Brian had tears streaming down his face, he nearly lost Roger.

The pair looked in each other's eyes. The realisation of what just happened caused both men to shake. Roger reached up and kissed Brian with so much emotion and guilt. They were both full on crying and holding on to each other in the tightest embrace they've ever had

"Y-you saved me" Roger stated

Brian couldn't talk in fear of bawling his eyes out. He just frantically nodded, not wanting to let go of the love of his life.

"I'm sorry Brian. I didn't mean anything I said" Roger tried to wipe the tears off of Brian's face but they wouldn't stop

They then heard running down the path. It was John and Freddie who had just witnessed the whole ordeal from the studio window.

"Come on, let's get you indoors" Freddie said, less perky than usual

The pair separated from each other's arms. Brian went with John and Roger was being led indoors by Freddie. They were guided into one of the break rooms and put on sofas that sat opposite each other.

"Me and John will get back to work. You come back when you're ready. Just calm your nerves and take a moment" Freddie told them

"Take your time" John smiled weakly, feeling a bit shaken up himself

"Thanks" Roger spoke in a raspy tone

As soon as John shut the door, Roger moved over to the sofa Brian was sat on. Well, Roger sat on Brian, in fact.

"Don't ever scare me like that again" Brian spoke quietly

"I won't. Not if I can help it" Roger put his hands on either side of Brian's face and pulled him in for another kiss

When they parted, Brian said, "Good, because today you scared me so much. I can't live without you, even the thought of it is unbearable"

"I know, I felt the same" Roger rested his head on Brian's shoulder

"Love you" Brian whispered

"I love you, so so much" Roger snuggled closer to Brian

A/N - sorry this one is short compared to the others! Please vote ⭐️

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