Does It Hurt? - Freddie and Roger

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Roger's POV

It was about 4am when my phone began ringing. It made me jump, who could be calling at this hour? I ran down the hallway to grab the phone before it went to the answer machine.

"Hello?" My voice was groggy, making it obvious that I was woken up for this

"Rog, it's Fred" Freddie's voice was meek

"Freddie it's 4am, what do you want?" I sighed

"I'm at the hospital. Please can you pick me up? I don't want the newspapers finding out about this" Freddie sounded like he was crying which broke my heart more than he has done in the past. Basically he picked someone else over me, and that person was an asshole. He never treated Freddie right, I don't know why Freddie chose him. Well, I did know. Freddie was scared that the band would break up if something came between us.

"Oh, ok, I'm on my way Fred, just stay there and I'll come and find you" I said as I began to slip my shoes on

"Thank you R-Roger" Freddie cried

"It's ok. I'm on my way" I quickly put the phone down and ran out to my beloved car

As it was very early in the morning there was no traffic to hold me up on my way to the hospital. I quickly found a space and parked my car before running over to the A+E. I slipped on my sunglasses in an attempt to not be noticed.

I went up to the desk and in a hushed voice said, "Um, I've come to pick up Freddie" I pulled my sunglasses down so the lady there could see who I was

"Oh! Of course Mr Taylor. Please follow me" she said in the same hushed tone as myself

"Freddie doesn't want anybody finding out about this" I told her as we walked down an empty corridor

"Of course, we put a plan in place anyway. His privacy and his health are our main concern. The doctors and nurses who have seen him have been told not to say anything" She told me and I felt relieved

"Thank you" I smiled and she smiled back

"This is his room, I better get back" The lady said

"Ok. Thank you very much" I gave her a quick hug before going in to Freddie's room

He was sat on his bed, talking to his doctor. His arm was in a sling and bandaged up. I could see a patch of blood coming through the bandage. He didn't have that confident flare about him, he looked small and exhausted. His heavy lidded eyes looked up to me and a sad smile appeared on his face.

"Hey Rog" He said. His voice was sad and low

"Hey. Are you alright?" I asked

"I'll leave you now Freddie. You can go whenever you want" The doctor said before leaving

"I'm sorry for getting you up this early. I didn't want to phone John because he would panic and I didn't want to phone Brian because he'd lecture me" Freddie explained

"It's ok Freddie, let's get going" I helped him to his feet before helping him get into his sweater

We slowly made it to the car park and I helped Freddie get into my car. When I got into the drivers seat I just sat there and stared at him for a moment.

"Don't look at me like that" He sighed

"Tell me what happened" I said softly

"No" He mumbled

"I'm not taking you home until you do" I sat back and crossed my arms over my chest to make a point

"I tried to leave Paul" Freddie stated

"What did he do?" I questioned, ignoring the anger bubbling inside of me

"He forced me into bed with him and then he caught me trying to leave and h-he pulled a-a knife on m-me" Freddie began to cry

"You're staying with me for now, ok? You're not going back to him. We'll deal with him later, alright?" I wrapped him in a hug and he nodded his head, "I'm taking you home"

Freddie slumped back into his seat as I began to drive us back to my house. It was still very early in the morning, only a few trucks were on the roads. We didn't talk on the way home, I let Freddie have some silence. I could hear him crying though and it really hurt to see him like this. If Paul ever tries to come near him again, he's a dead man.

Freddie didn't realise we arrived at my house already, he was so deep in thought. I opened his car door and he flinched, coming back to reality.

"Here" I held my hand out for him to lift himself out of my car

"Thank you" Freddie muttered

"Come on, let's get you indoors and you can have a sleep as soon as I clean you up" I said as I walked into the house with him

I guided Freddie up to my bedroom to sort him out. I sat him down on the edge of my bed and got him out of his clothes. I found some clothes he could use and helped him get into them. With little struggle we managed to get the jogging bottoms on. I paused before putting a T-shirt on him and looked at his bandage.

"Do you want me to put another bandage on? That one is all bloody" I grazed over the bandage with my thumb

"Yes please" Freddie nodded

"Stay here. I'll be two seconds" I dashed to the kitchen to get my first aid kit

I got back to the bedroom and opened up the medical kit. Sure enough, there were tonnes of different bandages in there. I carefully took the sling off of Freddie's arm and unraveled his bandage. It uncovered quite a deep cut in his upper arm, it was stitched up but still bleeding a bit.

"Does it hurt?" I asked

"The nurse put quite a bit of numbing stuff on it so I can't really feel it right now" Freddie explained

"Ok. You're all patched up" I said after wiping the cut and bandaging it back up, "Have a nap and I'll make you something to eat when you get up"

"Don't leave Rog! Please" Freddie pleaded as I stepped towards the door

"It's ok. I'll stay" I gave him a hug before helping him into bed. I pulled the duvet over him and then sat down on my side of the bed. Freddie held my hand to make sure I was there, I rubbed circles in his palm to calm him down

"I picked the wrong man. I should've always picked you, I was just scared. I was scared something would happen but I didn't need to worry about that. You've always treated me well, look at you now, you've never changed. Paul was never good for me and it took a trip to hospital for me to realise it. I still love you Rog, I care for you a lot" Freddie spoke with tears in his eyes

I kissed Freddie. I missed the tickle of his moustache on my top lip.

"I love you too Freddie. I always have. I promise to protect you at all costs. Now have a nap and we will make a plan of action to deal with Paul and work out what we are together. Trust me, I'm not letting you leave me so easily ever again" He hummed a laugh as I brushed my fingers through his hair. He finally nuzzled down into the pillow and drifted off to sleep.

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