Helping, I Hope - Roger and John

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"Sir! I need the toilet!" Roger shouted out in the middle of class

"Fine, off you go Roger" the maths teacher, Mr Williams, sighed

"Thanks!" Roger ran out of the class, getting giggles from his fellow students

The blonde haired 15 year old raced down the corridor and straight into the toilets where he opted to go into one of the cubicles. There were two and the other was locked so Roger didn't have much choice there.

As he finished, you know... doing his business, Roger heard a small sob come from the locked cubicle.

"Are you alright?" Roger spoke softly, a huge contrast to he usual shouting and screeching.

No words, only more cries fill his ears. Roger put down the toilet lid and stepped up onto it so he could see over the partition between him and the crying boy. He held onto the wall and peered over.

"You're John, right? You're in the year below me" Roger asked, causing the crying boy to look up at the sudden looming voice and shadow that Roger casted over him

"Y-yeah" John continued to sob, his hands were shaking, he was slumped against the wall, and no amount of tissues could stop his tears.

"Unlock the door, I'm coming in" Roger said as he jumped off the toilet and went around to John's side. Luckily, John listened and unlocked the door. Roger stepped in and locked it again behind him.

"W-what are y-you doing?" John's voice was just as shaky as his body

"Helping, I hope" Roger frowned and gingerly put a hand on John's trembling shoulders, "What happened?"

There was a long pause before John spoke up, he was deciding whether to tell Roger or not.

"Someone outed me at break and I've been in here ever since. I thought they were my friend, I trusted them with my biggest secret and now everybody knows. I can't face anyone right now so I'm just hiding until I'm ready" John composed himself enough to properly form words

"'re gay?" Roger said just as the bathroom door opened. John immediately put a hand to Roger's mouth, a hand to his own mouth and looked at Roger desperately. He lifted his feet from the ground in case anyone looked under the gap by the floor and saw that two people were in one loo.

"Rog, it's Bri. Mr Williams told me to tell you to hurry up" Brian called in

Roger took John's hand off of his mouth and nodded to him reassuringly, "It's alright Bri! I'm just taking a massive dump, I'll be out in a bit!"

Brian let out a laugh, "Alright, enjoy yourself!"

"I will!" Roger waited to hear the door shut again before he let out a sigh of relief. He looked down to see that John was smiling, "I'm glad that made you smile" He joked

"It was funny" John stated, wiping the last wave of tears on his school jumper sleeve

"Do you need anything else? A hug maybe? A friend? I can do both" Roger smiled

"Would you really be my friend? I don't think I have any friends now" John questioned

"Of course John! Look, meet me in the music room at lunch. That's were I can usually be found" Roger explained, "Hug?"

"A hug would be nice" John stood up and the pair embraced

"I'm gay too" Roger whispered in John's ear, "The same happened to me. I was outed and Freddie Bulsara comforted me. Now we are best friends. And Brian, he's my best friend too. Brian and Freddie are together so you'll have to get used to them being all soppy around each other in the music room." Roger chuckled and so did John

"You really wouldn't mind?" John raised an eyebrow

"Not at all!" Roger shook his head

"Ok. I'll meet you at lunch time" John blushed a little

"Good! I better go now otherwise everyone will think I've got diarrhoea" Roger pulled a face and made John laugh again, "Bye John"

"Bye Roger, I'll see you in a bit" John gave a small wave before the older of the two let himself out of the toilet and went back to class.

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