Just Fine - Freddie and Roger

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Request from Living_on_my_own

Freddie hated going to school. Every single day the gang of bullies would come up to him and do something. Only because he was an outsider, only because he was part of a minority. Despite this, every time his mother would ask how he was getting on he'd say,

"Just fine"

But the truth was, it was never fine at all. His grades were slipping because he was too scared to go to the classroom. He would get separate lessons from a different teacher so he didn't have to face the bullies. But at lunch times he was all alone.

The bullies in the group were Paul Prenter, the ringleader. He was always the one who had to be the loudest and had to start the fights. He never got involved with the fights, no, that's what his minions did. Harry was another of the bullies, Freddie didn't know his last name, but Harry was the smart one. He was also very manipulative and always got his own way. Then there was Michael, he was the one to throw the first punch. And last but not least, Roger Taylor. Roger always hit the hardest, and Freddie found that out on many occasions. What struck Freddie more is that Roger wasn't angry at him when he was beating him up, there was something else there. He had a stern look on his face all the time and he was always daydreaming.

One lunchtime, Freddie went off to the bathroom to lock himself in one of the cubicles until the bell went. This is what he would usually do to avoid the gang of bullies. However, they were all in there waiting for him.

"Hello Freddie, nice of you to join us today" Michael started

"Long time no see" Paul sneered

"How is our little gay boy today?" Harry asked

"Please leave me alone" Freddie whimpered, trying to back away, only to be held back by Harry. With that, Michael took the first punch to Freddie's stomach, making the boy lurch forwards in pain. The hits kept coming until Freddie was on the ground, unable to hold himself up.

The boys ran away, Freddie didn't know where, Freddie didn't care where as long as they were far away from him. He tried to prop himself up, only to crumple to the floor again. The door to the bathroom flew open and Freddie saw Roger. Instinctively, he cowered again, covering himself where it hurt the most.

"Please, leave me alone" Freddie sobbed

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" Roger asked

"Go away" Freddie cried, his face had streams of tears

"I want to help. I'm not going to hurt you. I told that lot where to go. This is so wrong and it's taken me too long to realise it" Roger brushed Freddie's hair out of his eyes, "Where does it hurt Freddie?" He asked

"My stomach" Freddie doubled over in pain. He was still on the grimy floor. It was only when he moved that Roger saw the blood.

"Freddie your bleeding" Roger jumped up to grab some toilet paper and hold it on to the wound on Freddie's side

"H-help, help me" Freddie held on to Roger's hand

"I will, don't you worry. I'm going to make sure you're ok, I won't let anybody hurt you, not now, not ever" Roger smiled briefly before opening the door and shouting for help

A short, female teacher, known as Mrs Barker, heard the cries for help and went over to Roger.

"Oh my-" she gasped when she laid eyes on Freddie

"Miss, he's bleeding. He needs to go to hospital" Roger stated

"No!" Freddie cried out

"Alright, alright. Um, Roger do you think you can lift him?" Mrs Barker asked

"Yeah" Roger nodded

"Ok, bring him to the medical room and I go on ahead to get an ambulance and call his parents. What is his name?" Mrs Barker questioned

"Freddie Bulsara" Roger said as he lifted poor Freddie off of the ground and held him bridal style

"Don't hurt me! I didn't do anything!" Freddie mumbled through the sobs

"I won't hurt you. I promise" Roger said as they got out of the bathroom and down the corridor to the medical room, "it's ok Freddie, we're nearly there".

The next day, Freddie found himself in a hospital bed. It turns out, he passed out from blood loss and had some internal bleeding that had to be operated on. He's only just woken up this morning as they kept him sedated for his own safety.

"There is a visitor for you Freddie" The doctor said

Freddie nodded groggily as a way of saying 'bring them in'. The doctor smiled before going to retrieve the person.

"H-hi Freddie, I'm Roger" The blonde boy greeted with a nervous smile

"I know" Freddie said in a raspy voice

"Uh- do you remember what happened?" Roger asked

Freddie nodded before saying, "Everything"

"Yeah, I-I'm sorry, again for all of that. I got you some flowers, I don't know if you like them" Roger presented the yellow arrangement of flowers

"I love them, thank you" Freddie smiled, attempting to reach out to the flowers but his arms were too heavy

"I did all that" Roger said as his looked at Freddie's naked torso. He was full of bruising and scars and a big plaster was over the operation wound.

"Not just you" Freddie slowly shook his head from side to side

"I-I feel really bad. I know flowers won't heal this" Roger frowned

"Hey. You did the right thing. Don't worry yourself over them" Freddie smiled slightly

"If it's any help, I never wanted to hurt you, it was Paul who made me. They manipulated me without me realising. I knew it was wrong but it was right for them. I've given them a good smack for you" Roger winked

Freddie chuckled as best as he could, "Thanks"

"They aren't going to come near us again"

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