Help - Freddie and John

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Freddie watched as John stumbled out of the bar, clearly drunk. He decided to not bring up their history and actually help him home, John wouldn't get there in his own, he was that wasted.

Freddie swiftly jogged outside and found John collapsed and slumped up against a wall. It was drizzling with rain, Freddie couldn't just leave him there, no matter what happened in the past.

"Up you get John, you can't stay out here" Freddie helped the younger man up

"You can't tell me what to do" John argued

"Come on, you know and I know that you need to go home" Freddie stated calmly

"Maybe I don't want to" John turned away and went back to his normal shy state

"What's got into you? You'd never come to a place like this before" Freddie questioned

"Well, I've changed. You've changed me" John tried to walk away only to end up with his rear on the pavement again

"W-what do you mean?" Freddie sat down next to him

"Forget it" John mumbled

"No, please" Freddie pleased

"Get me home" John sighed

Freddie nodded before getting up and pulling John up with him. They began to take the long but steady walk to John's house. They got there with a fair amount of ease. Of course, John stumbled half of the way there but it could've been worse.

As they walked up to the front door, Freddie asked, "do you need a hand in there or are you good?"

"Just come in" John muttered

"Ok" Freddie said, slightly nervous. The last time he'd been in this house was, well, the last time him and John were a couple

Freddie managed to haul John onto one of his sofas. He stood there, not really knowing what to do now.

"You can sit down you know" John spoke up

"Uh, yes, thank you" Freddie perched on the old arm chair

"This brings back memories" John said nonchalantly

Freddie ignored him trying to stir something up and said, "What did you mean back there? I changed you?"

"Well I wasn't exactly going to be the same person after I had my heart ripped out, was I?" John snapped

"I'm sorry-" Freddie started

"No you're not. If you were sorry this would never of happened and we'd still be happy together" John turned to look at Freddie. He never really understood why Freddie dumped him and really, Freddie didn't know either.

"I'm sorry John" Freddie started again

"Stop saying that" John groaned

"What do you want me to say then?" Freddie's voice lowered in annoyance

"I want you to say that you still want to be with me" John said

"It's too late for that" Freddie shook his head. He had found someone else now

"Exactly" John briefly raised an eyebrow, "y'know I always told myself that my world would be empty without you. I never realised how harsh and true my words would be one day. I left the band because it's not the same now I don't have you. My life means nothing without you. Everything means nothing"

"John, I love Jim. I can't change who I love" Freddie protested

"Well, you changed from loving me to loving him. Or did you never love me?" John sat up so he could face Freddie properly

"That's not fair" Freddie shouted

"It is bloody fair!" John shouted even louder

"What do you do now you aren't in the band?" Freddie tried to change the subject again as he hated having to shout

"I wake up, I go to a pub - I'm not fussy with which one. I get absolutely hammered, I make my way home, I go to bed, I get up, I do the same" John counted the stages on his fingers as he spoke

"That's not good for you John" Freddie commented

"It's better than nothing. Like I said, my life is nothing without you" John uttered

"You could die!" Freddie remarked

"So what!?" John shouted again

"If I lost you then I'd lose it all" Freddie said with his eyes brimming with tears. He was still sat in the edge of the old arm chair, facing John who was sat back on the sofa

"Don't say that, you're giving me hope" Joh rolled his eyes

"I want to give you help" Freddie claimed, "you can't live like this"

"I can't live at all Freddie. Not without you" John said

"You won't be without me, I'm still a friend aren't I?" Freddie quizzed

"I don't want friendship" John grumbled

"Sorry but I can't give you what you want. I must get back now. Jim will be wondering where I am. Goodnight John" Freddie forced a sad smile onto his face and left the house he once lived in

"Don't go! Not again!" John voiced. But it was already too late. Freddie was already on the path and making his way to his new love in his new home.

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