Depend On You - John

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A/N: My inspiration to write this came from a challenge post I saw on Pinterest. The challenge was to write something emotional. Well, I don't know if I'm successful but I wrote a one shot based around one of the Queen things that has made me cry - John at the tribute concert. Please let me know if this was at all emotional!

"Y/n love, don't forget your jumper" John quiet voice said from behind me

"Thank you. I'm sorry I won't be there with you" I frowned as I reached out for my jumper

"It's fine" John said in a tone that did not sound like 'fine'

John would be performing at the tribute concert for Freddie today, the same day I had to catch a flight for a business meeting. Timing couldn't have been worse. John keeps saying that I don't have to work but I would feel guilty if he was the only one bringing money home. John would prefer it if I didn't work. He says he would spend all day with me and take good care of me. I have no doubts with that, I just don't want to depend on him for money. Ever since Freddie died, he's been bringing up the conversation even more. I know he's upset, I've seen a massive change in John over the last few months. I've seen a massive change in all of the band members. They've all matured in a strange sense.

"Freddie would be so proud of you" I whispered

I watched as tears started rolling down his face, I immediately wrapped him up in a hug as he weeped into my shoulder.

"I hope so" He finally managed to mutter

"I wish I could be there today" I kissed John on his forehead

"Just quit your job, I've told you, I can take care of you!" John said frustratingly

"I know John but I don't want to depend on you all the time" I explained

"We're married, we're supposed to depend on each other" John argued

"I know that John, let's not argue though. You're upset enough as it is" I brought my hand up to his face and stroked his cheek lightly with my thumb

"I wanted to depend on you today" John mumbled before walking away

That hurt. I'll admit. I really wish I could build up the courage to be as reckless as to just quit my job. I want to, I'm just scared of what would happen next.

"John! I've got to go" I called out. I decided to give him a bit of space but now I needed to go and I wasn't going to leave without saying bye

"I'm sorry for everything, I love you" John said as he gave me a tight hug

"I love you more. Go and make Freddie proud, I bet he's up there watching with his ballet shoes on" I chuckled

John laughed too, these moments where he laughs are the moments I love the most, "Knowing him he's probably still critiquing us from up there, but yes, he'll definitely have his ballet shoes on"

"I'll see you soon" I gave John a kiss on the lips. He kissed back and for a while it seemed like we couldn't let go

"Bye bye" He waved from the front door

"Bye John" I said when I got to the car waiting for me

I couldn't stop thinking about John on the way to the airport. I know today is going to be really difficult for him and I really hate not being able to be there for him.

"What am I thinking?" I blurted out loud in the middle of the airport, earning a few weird looks from people around me. I have to be there for John, he is far more important than my job. Screw my job! I've got to go to Wembley!

I picked up my suitcase and ran outside to the taxi bay. Of course, when I'm in desperate need of a taxi, there are none there. I waited impatiently for 10 minutes and thankfully a taxi finally arrived.

"Where to?" The jolly man asked

"Wembley Stadium please" I replied

"There's a bit of traffic in London today, so we might take a bit longer than usual" He explained

"That's fine", that was not fine, I've got to get there as soon as possible

"Are you in a rush?" The taxi driver questioned

"Um, yeah kind of" I answered, not wanting to rush him

"Are you going to the concert?" The taxi driver then asked

"Kind of" I repeated. The taxi driver looked at me through the mirror and let out a chuckle

"You're not performing, are you?" The taxi driver quizzed

"Oh no no!" I shook my head

"Then why do you look familiar?" He questioned

"I'm married to John Deacon, if that's any help?" I grinned

"Of course, how didn't I know!? It's a pleasure to meet you y/n. I'm a big Queen fan" The man said kindly

We spoke about some Queen stuff but still I had John in my mind. He must feel so nervous. I know he would have been performing for a while now. In this traffic, my best hopes are now being able to catch the end of the concert.

I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't see the taxi approach Wembley until the driver said, "We're here! Send my best wishes to your fella"

"Thank you very much!" I left a load of money and ran towards the stadium

I went up to the security guards and was thankful when they recognised me.

"They are just doing the last bit, we'll take you to John's dressing room" One if the guards said

"Thank you so much!" I smiled

I sat down on the small armchair and waited for John. It didn't take long, about 5 minutes later he burst through the door. The look on his face was absolutely priceless.

"W-what are you doing here?" He began to cry

"I was stupid to leave you on a day like today, I'm so sorry" I stood up from the armchair as John ran into my arms. I hugged him so tight as we both quietly sobbed

"I love you" John whispered

"I love you too" I kissed John on the cheek before continuing to hold him tight.

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