Take The Blame - Ben and Joe

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spookiestboy requested some Hardzello, so...here we go!!

"You are so grounded!" Joe's mum shouted

Joe stood there sadly before dragging his feet up to his room. That British idiot had got him into trouble again. Joe's mum had a phone call from his school, telling her about her son's antics. The only trouble was, Joe didn't do it. He would follow Ben around because he is so hopelessly in love with him. Ben would get up to mischief and Joe would be there when the teachers found out. Ben would be running away - out of sight, leaving his secret admirer to get the punishment.

Joe grumbled as he thought about Ben. This was the last time he was going to take the blame for the blonde boy. Joe no longer loves him, he hates him! At least, that's what he was saying to himself.

A small stone tapped on the window of Joe's room. Joe looked outside but couldn't see anything due to the darkness. He opened the window and that's when he heard the voice of the one he hates.

"Joe!" The low voice called

"Go away Ben" Joe said harshly

"Jeez! What did I do? Let me up!" Ben pleaded

"Whatever" Joe rolled his eyes and retreated back into his room. He sat back at his desk, starting his homework

"Joe, help" Ben whisper-yelled

Joe let out a growl before locking his bedroom door then going to save Ben who was hanging off his windowsill. Joe grabbed hold of Ben's arm and pulled him in to his bedroom.

"What do you want Ben?" Joe gave him an angry glare

"What did I do?" Ben quizzed

"Every time you cause trouble at school, I have no choice but to take the blame and get all the consequences. I'm done with this Ben! I don't want to get grounded again, my mum is so disappointed in me. I can't be associated with you anymore, I'm done with all this" Joe rambled with fury

"I-I didn't know" Ben spoke quietly in contrast to Joe's outburst

"No! You don't! You're so oblivious to everything other than you're own gain. Do you enjoy this? Do you like seeing people suffer because of your actions?" Joe turned red with anger

"No Joe, not at all" Ben got a bit upset. He came here to finally admit his feelings for the American, not to get yelled at

"You're too self centred to even think about little old me!" Joe lowed his voice, realising that his Mother was downstairs

"I do, I think about you Joe" Ben went to touch Joe's shoulder before the smaller backed away

"Don't!" Joe shouted, "To think I liked you" Joe sneered before realising what he said and put his hand to his mouth. His eyes went wide and his face turned pale

"You what?" Ben questioned

"You heard" Joe gave him a glare

"Well, I was here to confess my feeling for you but if you hate me so much then why did I bother?" Ben argued back

"I do hate you! I hate you so much!" Joe bellowed

"Yeah, well, I hate you too!" Ben countered, "How dare you say those things about me!"

"You deserve it" Joe began to step forward towards Ben

"You deserve to take the blame then! You're such an idiot" Ben also began to approach Joe

"You're a moron!" Joe was now face to face with Ben as they started spitting insults at each other





"Uh- " Ben couldn't think of another insult. All that was in his mind was how close he was to Joe. On the other hand, Joe has only just come to realise the small distance between them. His anger had died down for a split second as he gazed into Ben's blue-green eyes. Without even thinking, both boys grabbed each other and pressed their lips together.

Ben pushed Joe onto his bed. As he fell, Joe bumped his head. As he was just about to sit up and yell at the blonde, Ben attacked him with more kisses, shutting up the smaller boy. Ben was pressing his body on top of Joe as he attached his lips to Joe's neck.

"You're an ass" Joe growled

"Shut up!" Ben muttered as he pulled Joe's hands up above his head

Joe was now vulnerable and exposed. Ben was far too strong for him to escape his grasp. Ben began kissing Joe's neck again, driving him mad.

"Stop you git" Joe grumbled

"Say sorry, pea-brain" Ben applied more pressure on to Joe, pushing him into the duvet

"Sorry" Joe muttered. He knew he couldn't win

"You don't mean that" Ben hit Joe in the hip with his knee

"Ow! I'm sorry!" Joe sobbed out. Ben pushed Joe down again before letting go of him completely and stepping away from the bed.

Joe curled up into a ball and cried. Ben frowned as guilt filled up inside him. He went back on to the bed and pulled Joe into a hug.

"I'm sorry Joe" Ben apologised, "for everything"

Joe latched on to Ben, cuddling up to him as he continued to weep, "I meant it"

"I know you did" Ben kissed Joe's forehead gingerly

"I don't hate you Ben, I could never" Joe wiped away his tears

"Even if I get you into trouble?" Ben worried

"Yes. I love you! Why do you think I follow you around every minute of the day?" Joe said in a low voice, close to a whisper

"I don't know. I love you too" Ben grinned

Joe slid his hand up Ben's shirt and hugged him close.

"Please don't go" Joe whispered

"I've got to" Ben frowned before kissing Joe again and getting up, "See you tomorrow" Ben then escaped out of the window again

"Bye" Joe muttered as he watched Ben run down the road.

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