Helping, I Hope 2 - Roger and John

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A/N: a part 2 requested by deakystaylxs

The bell sounded to mark the start of lunch time and John made his escape from the toilet. He kept his head down and walked as fast as he could to avoid anyone who now knew his secret. Well, it's not really a secret anymore.

He made it to the music block and went down the corridor, looking into each classroom to find Roger. He found him in the very end room.

"Hey!" Roger cheered when he saw John walk in

John blushed and meekly said, "Hi" with a little wave

"John, this is Freddie and Brian. Guys, this is John" Roger introduced them all

"You're right Rog, he is cute" Freddie said, earning a glare from his boyfriend and a not so subtle kick in the leg from Roger

"Um! John! Do you play any instruments?" Roger quickly and oh so smoothly changed the subject

"I do actually, I play bass" John told and saw as the three older boys faces lit up

"Oh my god he's perfect" Freddie beamed

"We need a bassist" Brian stated

"We are trying to form a band, see? I play drums, Brian plays guitar, and Freddie sings and plays piano" Roger explained, "I'd love to hear you play"

"My bass is at home though and school doesn't have one" John frowned

"That's fine, we can do it another day. Anyway, I'm hungry, can we go to the canteen before I perish?" Roger whined

"Yeah, come on then" Brian sighed. Everyone made their way out of the classroom apart from John

"Aren't you coming?" Roger questioned softly

"Roger, I-I don't want to be seen" John whispered

"It's fine. Look, we are all with you. You don't need those fake friends anymore, you have us. Whatever they have to say about you, about us, is irrelevant because you know they can't change you and that their words are just ignorance" Roger spoke quietly whilst holding on to John's shoulders, making the younger boy look at him

"O-ok" John nodded

"We've been there dear, it's not nice, believe me. However, it's so much easier to be yourself than be someone that they want. We want you to hang out with us, as you" Freddie added

"Thank you Freddie" John smiled briefly, taking in a few deep breaths to calm himself

"We are here for you now John" Brian patted John on the back as he passed him to get out of the room.

"Thanks" John nodded, feeling just about confident enough to face the world

"Stick with us" Roger stood close to John as they made their way to the canteen.

On the way there, the group was faced with the inevitable looks and whispers. John's whole body tensed up and his heart raced.

"Look, he's found his place with the other queers" a boy muttered to a girl but everyone heard

"What did you say darling?" Freddie pointed him out, making the boy panic

"Uh! No-nothing!" He quivered

"Hmm, I do hope it was nothing. It would be a shame if you were insulting us. Don't do it again, I won't be so nice the next time" Freddie gave him a wink and walked away

"I'm so sorry" John apologised

"Don't even worry about it, I think he learnt a lesson" Freddie chuckled to himself, picturing the boy's mortified face

"We like to ignore it but Freddie likes to make a scene" Brian teased

"Darling, it's funny!" Freddie defended

They got to the canteen and all sat down together to eat their lunch. It was nothing exciting, just sandwiches.

"So, how long have you been playing bass?" Roger asked John whilst Freddie and Brian flirted to each other

"Since I started secondary school, I got it for Christmas that year" John answered, "What about you?"

"I've been banging and crashing into things since birth" Roger said making them both laugh, "Why not turn that into a hobby? But I think I was about 10 when I got my first proper drum kit"

There was a pause where they both made proper eye contact and smiled with a bright blush on their cheeks.

"Just get married already" Freddie butted in

"Fuck off Freddie" Roger mumbled, trying to be angry but he really couldn't be

"Leave them alone" Brian smirked, subtly teasing them further

Again, there was another slightly awkward pause.

"Thank you for making me feel welcome" John piped up, "You've really saved me"

"Of course John. It's the least I could do. Look, on the weekend we are getting together to play some music. Why don't you join us? Bring your bass and come over to mine" Roger offered

"That would be nice. I'll be there" John grinned

"Good. I look forward to it!" Roger broke out into a grin.

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