My Freddie (Jim and Lucy)

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A/N- this is set in a time where Freddie and Jim are alive because, let's be honest, those were better times!!

Lucy's POV

Rami always took me to work with him. Sometimes it was nice to see what he got up to but most of the time it was incredibly boring. He was never with me whilst he was at work because, well, he was working. Rami is an actor and at the moment he is playing Freddie Mercury from Queen.

Freddie is a lovely guy, and slightly intimidating. He practically marches into rooms with his perfectly trimmed facial hair and aviator sunglasses where you can only see your own reflection - that's the scary bit. But then he turns around with a smile and calls you darling - that's the lovely part to Freddie. No wonder it caught the attention on Jim, nearly 40 years ago. They are the classic old married couple, it's very cute to see them together. I hope that myself and Rami will grow old together like they have.

Anyway, Freddie involves himself heavily in this movie so is always on set. He is like a co-director, I feel bad for Dexter sometimes. Freddie and Rami are very similar, not just in the fact that they always bring their partner to work.

They have the same wicked humour, same aura, same quietness out of the public eye, same showmanship. They were practically the same person.

In the time of filming for this Queen film - Bohemian Rhapsody - I had become good friends with Jim. I found him fascinating. He was an old soul with many stories, I never grew bored of his stories. You could sit there for hours just listening to his tales, and I did. I have heard all about how he and Freddie met, where he bought his first car, when he last went to the coffee shop, etc...

I loved it when he spoke about Freddie, his eyes would smile. That's weird to say out loud but his eyes really did smile when he spoke about Freddie.

Jim like it when I spoke about Rami. He liked my tales of "young love" as he called it, and reminded him of he and Freddie in their younger days.

I couldn't tell you why, but when I'm on set I feel the need to call Rami by his character name. Maybe it was just to keep him in the zone but I had always done it. This caused great confusion for Jim when I spoke about 'Freddie'. This lead us to come up with a plan of saying "my Freddie" and "your Freddie" and vice versa for the other person.

"This morning, my Freddie was very tired from the late shoot last night so I made him breakfast in bed. He was very happy to wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs" Jim smiled happily at the memory

"Aw! My Freddie makes me breakfast in bed whenever he isn't working. He is an early bird and I'm a late riser so that is his way of tempting me out of bed. But when he is working he hasn't got the time" I explained and Jim nodded his head

"I didn't see your Freddie this morning in the makeup room" Jim stated

"He was there a bit later than usual, his costume fitting was a bit more time consuming" I reasoned

"That would be my Freddie's ridiculous outfit choices back in the 70's, they were mad, even he says so!" Jim chuckled loudly

"My Freddie doesn't mind them, really. He is diving right in with the whole Mercury fashion" I raised my eyebrows at the memory of seeing Rami strut around in a sequinned leotard yesterday and a wavey angel-like blouse today. Just last week he was dressed up as 'an angry lizard'. Then on day one he had the most famous live aid outfit, which I later found out was Jim's favourite look on my Freddie.

"That's great" Jim hummed

"You've told me that you favourite look on my Freddie was the live aid outfit, but what is your favourite look on your Freddie?"

"That would be the suit he wore at our wedding" Jim said without a second thought, "it was a black blazer, white shirt, the most polished black shoes you'd ever seen, with a silky white bow tie. He looked breathtaking"

"How sweet! What did you wear?" I quizzed

"Mine was the same but with a navy blue blazer, brown leather shoes, and red bow tie" Jim described. I could imagine the pair vividly at the alter

"That sounds amazing" I exclaimed

"When you and your Freddie get married, I would love to be there. You'd look stunning in a white lacy dress" Jim complemented

"Bless you and thank you! You'll 100% be there. I'm glad to be able to say that you're my friend, Jim" I smiled

He really was my friend. I have grown very fond of the guy over this time of filming. I'll miss seeing him every day after this film is completed. But with the verbal promise of him being at my wedding, I know we'll see each other again.

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