Worried (Freddie and John)

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Request from @milliefrances46

"Where the hell is he?" Roger screamed

"How am I supposed to know?" Freddie yelled

"Come on Fred, we all know what you're like with him" Brian piped up

"No Brian! I don't know what your talking about!" Freddie huffed

"He was meant to be here 4 hours ago!" Roger groaned

"I'm worried" Brian put his Red Special down on its stand

"Me too" Roger said in a much softer tone than before

"Me three" Freddie rubbed his face

It was very very rare for John to be late. In the past they would always get a phone call or something to pre-warn them. But today, nothing. Not a phone call. Not a note left on his bass. Nothing.

The trio figured they should get some singing done. John preferred not to sing so this was something hey could do without him. However, Freddie's singing was not up to its usual standard. His mind was on John, worrying about him too much to focus on anything he was doing right now.

"I think we should call it a day. There is no point in trying if we aren't in the right mindset to do it. We are all too stressed even without our missing bass player situation" Brian announced

"Agreed" Roger mumbled. The boys have been given very strict and very harsh deadlines by their management. If Sheer Heart Attack wasn't finished by the end of this week then there were going to be consequences

"You boys go home. I'm going to John's. If he isn't there I'm calling a search party" Freddie grabbed his coat and walked to out of the studio

It was true that Freddie loved John very much. He was do anything for that groovy bass player. Everyone knew about Freddie's feeling for John, even John did. But Deaky was never one to parade his emotions so it was still kind of unclear about how much John loved Freddie. The main emotion John had felt recently was stress, he had no room for love. The management were being cruel to the band and it was especially effecting their youngest member. Often he would run home crying and shut himself off from everybody else.

Freddie knocked on the door and there was no reply.

"John!" He called out. He noticed that John's bedroom window was open. If he was in there then surely he would hear Freddie.

Freddie was losing hope and panicking. He had to get indoors to see if John was there somewhere.

The frontman paced up and down the front garden repeating, "what would Deaky do? What would Deaky do?" He looked over to the plants by the front door, "plant pots!" He exclaimed. If anyone were to hear his conversation with himself he would be classed as a lunatic.

There it was. Under the third pot to the left of the front door was the spare key. Freddie quickly unlocked the door and ran around John's house looking for him.

"John!" He called out again

Living room? No
Kitchen? No
Dining room? No
Garden? No
Bathroom? No

There was only one room left, the bedroom. Freddie pushed the door open and was met with a distressing sight. John was laid down on his bed looking extremely flustered. Freddie walked over to him and felt his forehead, he was burning up. No wonder John is just in his pyjama shorts, he is steaming.

"Johnny dear, wake up, it's me" Freddie cooed

"John?" Freddie began to panic when he had no response

"Wake up!" He shouted and shook the young man

No luck. Freddie made the quick decision to get John to hospital. He rang for the emergency services and they were very quick to turn up.

"Hello, did you call for an ambulance?" A paramedic shouted out

"Up here!" Freddie called from the bedroom window

The paramedics came up the stairs and into the bedroom. They quickly attended to John.

"How long has he been like this?" The first paramedic, Mike, asked

"I don't know, I'm his friend, he didn't turn up to the studio today so I came by to see if he was alright. He might have been like this for ages" Freddie rambled

"We are going to take Mr Deacon in, ok?" The second paramedic, Sid, explained

"Can I come?" Freddie begged

"Of course" Sid smiled

Freddie paced the corridors of the hospital. There wasn't enough room for him where John was. There were too many doctors running tests and checking him over. Freddie plonked himself on the floor and began to cry into his hands. He had been trying to stay so strong but his emotions had just overwhelmed him.

"M-Mr Mercury?" A Doctor said

"How is he?" Freddie questioned immediately

"He's awake now, you can see him" the doctor smiled

"What happened?" Freddie quizzed

"It's been noted that John has been under a lot of stress recently and has become run down as a result. He got the flu quite severely. Add some serious flu to a run down immune system and you get very ill. Well done for getting to him in time" The doctor explained before turning his heels and walking away

Freddie burst into John's side bay where he was resting.

"John!" He exclaimed

"Hi Freddie" John said weakly. It was good to finally get a reply from the baby faced bass player

"I was so worried" Freddie held on to John's arm

"Thank you, for finding me" John smiled slightly

"I'm going to terminate our contract with the management, none of us have benefited from being with them. It's put you here for Christ's sake! We can manage ourselves, we know how to" Freddie decided

"That sounds like a great plan. I love you Fred" John stuck his lips out for a kiss which Freddie happily gave

"I love you too. Don't you dare bloody scare me like that again Deacon" Freddie wagged his finger

"Promise" John nodded weakly

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