Just Believe - Freddie and John

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Being a ghost isn't too bad. It can be quite fun actually. I enjoy seeing people feel my presence around them. When they like it, I enjoy it. When they are scared of me, I find it funny. But what I love most is dropping in on my loved ones from when I was alive and seeing how they are doing. Unfortunately some of them are unaware of me being there, those are the moments I hate as a ghost because I feel like I'm being ignored.

My favourite person to visit is my husband, John. He talks to me still, tells me what everyone is up to. We gossip like we did when I was alive.

I journeyed into our living room. It hadn't changed a bit from when I lived here. My stuff was exactly in the same place as it was way back then. I stayed by the window. When I was alive I loved looking out of the window and watching nature unfold. I used to watch the squirrels, the resident robins, and most importantly the cats. I looked over to John, he was reading a book. His face looked concentrated and his body language was a bit uptight but I love him all the same.

"I know you're here" John muttered, looking up from his book to try and see me. Sometimes he can see me but sometimes he can only sense my presence in the room. He sometimes hears me too, other times I just listen but I have no complaints. I could listen to him talk all day - and sometimes I do.

"Hello darling" I said back to him, praying he could hear me today. I saw his whole body relax. The smile on his face when he heard me and finally saw me stood by the window was priceless. It was a smile but there was also pain on his face. I know it often makes him upset when I visit.

"I love you" John put his book down and leaned forward on his chair, putting his head on top of his hands as his elbows were pressed into his knees

"I love you more" I blew him a kiss. The other thing I hated about being a ghost was that I couldn't feel anything and that living people couldn't touch me. John tried to hold my hand once but his hand just went through me like I was nothing. I'm not nothing, I am really here!

"What have you been up to then?" John asked me

"Surprising a few people in their dreams. What about you?" I returned the question

"Oh nothing much. I went to see Brian and Roger last week. Have you seen them recently?" John quizzed

"Brian doesn't see me, he doesn't believe in ghosts but I've visited him in his dreams. Roger can't see me either but he talks to me a lot, especially when he's in his garden. Actually, Brian does talk to me but he doesn't know I'm there and listening to him" I told my husband

"I'm glad I can see you. It hurts, not properly seeing you but it's better than nothing" John smiled weakly.

"I miss you" I frowned

"I miss you so much Freddie. So, so much" A tear escaped from his eye

"No! Don't cry!" I rushed over to him to wipe the tears off his face but my fingertips just went right through him. For a moment I forgot that I couldn't touch John and that only made us more upset.

"Y'know, I can always feel your presence. Wherever I am, I can feel you there too" John said after composing himself

"That's because I'm always looking over you, always" I nodded

"I wish you were here for real" John looked down to his feet

"I know what will cheer you up" I commented before standing up and traveling over to the radio. As a ghost I had the power to do weird things like shut doors, step on creaky floorboards, and turn lights on and off. However, my favourite power was being able to turn on radios.

"What are you up to now?" John raised an eyebrow at me

I blinked at the radio and it turned on. As if by magic the station was playing Love Of My Life - the song I wrote for John when we first started dating. From then it became 'our song'.

I turned around and said, "Dance with me". We always danced together when I was alive.

"But I can't feel you and you can't feel me" John protested. Normally you wouldn't have to ask him twice to dance. Well, normally he would be the one asking me to dance.

"Pretend you can, then when you truly believe it, I promise you'll be able to feel me" I told him

"Ok" John sighed defeatedly

John got to his feet and stepped towards me. He closed his eyes and put his arms around my waist, although he can't yet feel me, and I hovered my hands above his shoulders.

"Just believe" I whispered in his ear, earning a nod. No amount of belief would allow me to feel John but the possibility was there for him.

We swayed in the middle of the living room for the whole song. When the song was nearing it's end I pulled away.

"No, don't pull away. I can feel you, please stay" John spoke all in one breath

"I told you so" I teased. My smile was so wide it could've split my face in two.

Eventually John did pull away and with a yawn he said, "I'll see you in my dreams"

"You certainly will. Goodnight my love" I waved goodbye to him

"Night night Freddie" he waved too, watching as I disappeared into thin air.

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