Security (John)

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A/N: this one is based on a dream I had. Very random, I have no idea why I dreamt this but here we go...

I was always going to be a security guard. Growing up, I was kind of pushed into doing it. It's the 'family business', my dad, older brother and two uncles are all security guards. Even through all this, I never actually wanted to be a security guard. I was more interested in music but every time I joined a band it never worked out. I wanted my guitar playing to be successful. I know I'm good, I can play every kind of guitar handed to me. Hopefully, in the future, I will make it.

My name is Jake, I'm 23. I'm not the typical build for security guards. I'm not like most people in general. My dad, brother, and uncles are all muscular and strong. I think they went into security just to take down the bad guys. Me, I'm fast - that's my attribute. I'm more into protecting people, that's top of my list.

I've had many exciting days as a security guard, but I'm going to tell you about the time I had to serve a hero of mine.

It was a typical late October night. The sun had set early so even though it was only just night time it seemed like it was past midnight. The moon was big and bright and there was a slight bit of rain, barely enough to bother about. It was unusually busy in the shop I guard. I found that strange. That is why I had my wits about me, scanning the area I was in, looking everywhere.

Over in the corner of the shop I saw a load of people creating a commotion. I thought I'd better check on what was going on. I walked over and saw a crowd surrounding an older guy in the middle. He looked truly petrified. His hands were covering his face and his arms were trembling. I could hear him faintly over the crowd.

He was saying, "please stop, I'm scared"

That was when I decided to step in. No matter how hard I tried, the crowd were persistent - like vultures. My quick thinking told me to get the poor guy away from the situation and find out what the hell was going on. I saw a gap in the crowd and pulled the guy away from the mob.

"Let me go" he cried, his eyes were closed so he couldn't have known I was actually here to help

"I'm going to take you to a safe place" I comforted him. I had hold off his shoulders as his hands were still over his face

The crowd followed until I got the guy into a back room and locked the door. It must've been a kind of conference room as it had a long table surrounded by chairs. I pulled out one of the white chairs and sat him down. I sat down too. When he pulled his hands away from his face I was shocked. Here, sat in front of me, was the guy I looked up to for my entire life.

It was John Deacon from Queen.

As a kid I would listen to their music non-stop. I grew familiar with their guitar riffs and played them myself. If ever I audition for a band I will only play a Queen song.

I just stared at him, gobsmacked.

"You know who I am, don't you?" He said

I nodded. Still speechless.

He stood up and went towards the door. I got up to stop him. He couldn't go back out there, not with that crazy mob waiting for him.

"No, where are you going" I said. As I said this I put my hand over the door handle to stop him

"Please don't hurt me" He cowered

"I'm not going too" I helped him back to his seat, "I'm in this job to protect people, I can't let you back out there. The crowd will be waiting. I think we should just sit here for a bit until they go. I won't talk or ask questions if you don't want me to. I'm just here to make sure you are safe" I explained

"Ever since they made that film about Freddie, they recognise me more often" he wiped away a tear

"You're safe now" I put my hand on his shoulder

He nodded his head, "Thank you, for saving me. You can ask questions by the way, if you have anything to ask. I trust you"

I was left shocked again. John doesn't seem to be the kind of man to give away his trust easily. I felt, privileged, honoured, amazed.

"I just can't believe that I'm speaking to you right now. It feels like a dream" I chuckled lightly

"So you like the music?" He smiled

"Yeah. I've listened to you all my life. You guys inspired me to play guitar myself. Although I've never really been successful in that department" I raised an eyebrow

"It's very hard to first get noticed. What kind of guitar do you play?" He asked. I sensed he was feeling more and more comfortable

"I can play any guitar given to me" I laughed, "my favourite is bass though"

"Good man" He grinned

"I like how it forms a beat" I thought out loud, not really making sense as I was still in awe.

"Me too" He looked down

I could no longer hear a crowd outside so I went out to see. Everyone had left. I went back to Mr Deacon to tell him.

"They have all gone now" I said

"Oh good" he stood up

"It was a pleasure to serve you" I smiled happily

"May I have your name?" He questioned

"Jake Jones" I held my hand out

He shook it, "John Deacon" he said with a smile

Even though I already knew who he was it felt good to be properly acquainted.

"I guess I'll see you around" I said

"Bye Bye Jake" he waved

With that he walked out of the room. I followed him a little while until he was out of the shop, just to make sure he was ok. I watched him walk down the street, following the moonlight.

Best day of my life.

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