Scared of me? (Brian and Freddie)

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This has only ever happened one time before. Me losing my mind and having a massive argument over nothing. The thing is, with me, I always take it to a personal level. But I don't mean it. The last time it happened was with Roger but we easily make up afterwards. However, this time I had a go at Freddie. My boyfriend Freddie. Now I have no idea where on hell he is.

I looked out of my living room window, the rain had began to pour. Freddie is terrified of storms, I hope he's ok. I had been wandering the streets, going into every bar Freddie usually makes an appearance at. Wherever he went he made sure nobody would find him.

I didn't know what to do with myself. I wondered through the living room, down the hall, to the kitchen, in to the dining room, then back again. I'm lost without Freddie, even in our own home.

I'm not surprised he doesn't want to see me. I said some dreadful things. I don't even wish to repeat it. It got to that point where John spoke out, and he hates confrontation. I must have been vile, disgusting even.

I sat on the staircase. The stairs face the front door. To my left I could see the big living room window. As I looked up a huge clap of lightning illuminated everything around me. Freddie must be so scared, I know what he is like.

I must have drifted to sleep as I was startled by frantic knocking on the door. I jumped up and opened it swiftly. I didn't even catch a glimpse of who it was as they leaped into my arms.

"Brian help me I'm so scared" he sobbed

It was Freddie. And he was drenched.

"Freddie I'm so sorry, god I'm more than sorry" I bent my knees to be nearer to his level so I could hug him properly

"B-Bri" he cried

"Freddie you're soaking, where have you been?" I held his head between my hands. His hair was dripping and I too was wet from the hug we just had. The whole front of my clothes looked like I had just taken a shower in them.

"I went to, to the green. I sat on a bench as far away as I could from the town. I saw you walking down the other end of the field, I was too scared" Freddie looked straight at me when he spoke

"Scared of me?" My heart sank

"Yes" Freddie said hoarsely

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened, I just, I lost it. I couldn't believe what was coming out of my mouth. I'm so sorry Fred" I hugged him again

"Darling I'm getting you soggy" Freddie pulled away and looked at my white T-shirt that was now clinging to my body

"You're going to get a cold Fred. Let's go and get changed" I beckoned him up the stairs

When we got into our bedroom I changed into my pyjama wear. This consisted of my boxers and a T-shirt. Freddie didn't know what to do with himself. He was shivering like mad and he was stuck in wet clothing. I got him some of my fleece pyjama bottoms, they were far too long for him but at lest they would keep him warm. With the pyjama bottoms, I grabbed his yellow jumper which was hung up behind the bedroom door. I put Freddie's change of clothes on the bed.

"Do you need a hand?" I asked Freddie, he just stood there still dripping

"Yes" his teeth chattered

"Come here" I said

Freddie took a step towards me and I helped him out if his clothes. His denim jacket seemed to compress and I had to peel his trousers off of him. I put my hand on his shoulder once he was only in his underwear and felt how cold he was.

"Christ Freddie get your jumper on you're frozen" I handed him the jumper and he didn't hesitate to put it on

Freddie then put the pyjama bottoms on.

"Brian, only you and a giraffe would fit in these" Freddie chuckled

"They will keep you warm, trust me" I smiled

"Ok" Freddie looked down at the navy bottoms

"You do trust me don't you?" I questioned

"Of course I do Brian, I love you" Freddie planted a kiss on my lips

"I love you too" I said as we pulled apart

"Can we cuddle, I'm still shivering" Freddie gave me those puppy eyes I can't resist

"Definitely" I went over into our bed, it was very late anyway so I turned on the small lamp and turned off the big light

Freddie laid on his side and I did too, wrapping my hands around his waist to pull him closer. You could say we were spooning but Freddie liked it nonetheless and began to warm up.

"Goodnight" I said as I reached over and turned the lamp off

"Night night my love" Freddie yawned

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