Let Me In (Roger and John)

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John's POV

It has been nearly a decade since Freddie had passed. That meant it had been nearly a decade since I left the music industry entirely. I couldn't carry on, I couldn't imagine performing without our lead singer, I didn't see any point in it.

As you can imagine it was a very sad time - for everyone that knew our formidable and phenomenal leader. It was just as my relationship with Roger started to kick off too.

Our relationship stopped because basically I ran away from anything music related, and that meant Roger too. He tried calling, for months, but I never picked up. I couldn't cope and I just wanted to hide. Eventually he gave up and I never got a call again. I see him on TV and I still get feeling in my chest. You know, that feeling where there is so much love you could explode? But we haven't met face to face since, well, since Freddie was around.

I'm still in love with him. So in love it hurts.

I have to see him again. But I'm afraid. After all this time I'm scared that his feelings for me have faded. I'm scared that I have been forgotten. No press or fans have come near me in a good 5 years, sometimes that is a blessing but I feel lost. When I was with Queen, I had a purpose, but now, nobody knows who I am.

I have changed a lot. My hair is styled much differently to the fluff ball it used to be. I've let my stubble take over my face, I am no longer that baby faced bass player. Now I dress more casually too, I don't have to impress the newspapers as they really don't care anymore.

Everyday I am overcome with loneliness. Maybe it would be nice if, once in a while, a fan came up to me. That would never happen, I'm unrecognisable. If I see Roger again that loneliness should go. I hope. That's the only hope I'm holding on to.

Roger's POV

There was a knock on the door. Unusual. It's 5:30am. Too early to be the press, it can't be Brian as he always wakes up at 7am. Don't ask how I know Brian's sleeping pattern. The only way I could find out who it was is by opening the door. So that is what I did.

As soon as the door was slightly open they pushed their way in, "let me in, I don't want to be seen" they spoke quickly and breathlessly. Their voice was familiar but I couldn't work it out.

They had a dark green hoodie on with the hood pulled all the way up. The sunglasses hiding their eyes were dark and mysterious. Who is this guy?

"Um, who are you?" Just after I asked this the guy pulled the hood off his head and peeled his glasses off. I couldn't believe my eyes, "J-John?" My jaw dropped and my heart was pounding.

"Hi" He said softly

I attacked him in a hug, "I missed you"

"I missed you. I missed you so much" He was crying and trembling. Was he scared?

John's arms were hugging my neck and my arms were around his waist and my hands were rubbing his back. We were like that in my hallway for a good few minutes. He was crying and I was speechless. I didn't want to let go in case this was a dream.

"What brings you here? At this time in the morning?" I had so many questions

"The cameras won't be here this early" John let out a short breathy laugh, "and I needed to see you. I've been so lonely. So lost.." I wiped his tears

"Let's go and sit down" I lead him into the living room and showed him to the sofa. I closed the curtains before joining him on the cushioned seat.

"You look..well" John said after clearing his throat

"You've changed" I grinned, "but I like it"

"T-thank you" He stammered

"Are you scared?" I whispered

"Yeah" he nodded

"Why? It's just me" I held his hand

"I was scared you didn't want to see me. I was scared you wouldn't know who I am" John rambled

"How could I forget you? You're the love of my life John" I smiled

"Love of my life" John sighed, "Freddie's song"

"That's why you left, it makes sense now" I worked it out. He left with no proper reason. It completely skipped my mind how overwhelmed John used to get by even the smallest things. He literally disappeared and it broke my heart, I didn't know a way to get to him.

"Yeah. I'm sorry" John looked down

"You've got nothing to be sorry about" I cupped his cheek and made him face me

We stared into each other's eyes. His were as beautiful as ever.

John's POV

His eyes were as bright as ever. There was something about his eyes, when they sparkled they could make you the happiest person alive.

And I was so happy to be with him.

"I still love you" Roger said, quoting a song again

"Can I kiss you?" I asked anxiously

"No, I love you madly so you're not allowed to" Roger said sarcastically

"You're still a muppet" I grinned as he placed his lips on mine

I missed his touch so much. His kisses were soft but full of love and consideration. Roger made me feel good, a feeling I thought I'd never feel again.

Roger's POV

I got my John back. And this time, I'm never going to let him go. I don't care if that means I have to sneak around, I'd do anything for that cute disco boy.

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