You've Got Me - Part 2 (Brian and John)

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A part 2 was requested by MaylorandDeacury101 so here we go!

"This is 78336, we have survived the blast but may need fire service and paramedics to get us out of here" John held on to Brian's hand


John, all of a sudden got very drowsy and sleepy. His head flopped to the side and he was still bleeding. Brian, as best as he could with his injuries, sat up and tried to wake him.

"John! John, come on, don't fall asleep on me now" Brian pushed John's short hair back so he could see the wound to his head, "Wake up, please wake up"

"B-bri" John struggled to say. His eyes were closed and he wasn't moving. His voice was raspy and it sounded like it was hurting him to talk

"John!" Brian sighed in relief, "you've got to stay awake love, they will be here to rescue us soon"

"B-Brian" John had a tear escape his eye as he finally opened them, "I love you. Don't forget that"

"No John, we aren't doing goodbyes. You're going to be fine, we'll get you to a doctor and you'll be fine. Come on, stay with me" Brian cried in pain as he tried to pull John up on his lap. His ankle was definitely broken and was throbbing in agony.

"Sorry" John said quietly before he shut his eyes again and fell into a state of unconsciousness

"John!" Brian shouted. He pulled his jacket off and pressed it against the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. Brian then saw John's walkie talkie laying on the other side of him. He reached and reached, not caring about the pain, "Got it" Brian let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding, "This is PC May, help us" Brian shouted down the device.

"We are on our way" a voice replied

"Hurry! It's PC Deacon, he needs help!" Brian felt like he was having a panic attack. He used to have them as a teenager so he knew what it felt like. He hadn't had one in 9 years, though.

"Anyone up here?" A different voice called from the corridor

"In here!" Brian shouted, tears were streaming down his face and his breathing was unsteady. He held on to John's hand again, that gave him some comfort.

"Hello Brian" The face of Superintendent Beach greeted

"Help John" Brian ordered, even though he was many ranks beneath Jim

"We will. The paramedics are coming, we'll get you both out" Jim crouched next to Brian and tried to comfort him through his panic attack

"H-he w-wont stop bl-bleeding!" Brian screamed

"Look Bri, the paramedics are here. John is going to get proper help now. He'll be ok" Jim said

Another team of paramedics, called Gwilym and Ben, entered the room and tended to Brian. His ankle was put in a splint before he was moved on to a stretcher. Brian was still silently crying as he watched the other paramedics, who were called Joe and Rami, take John out of the room.

"Where is he going?" Brian frantically asked as he held on to Gwilym's wrist

Gwilym put his spare hand on Brian's shoulder before saying, "They are taking him to the ambulance and then to the hospital. Is that ok?"

"I want to stay with him" Brian said with desperation in his eyes

"One second mate and we'll be right behind him" Ben said as he wrote something down on a notepad

"Ready?" Gwilym asked Ben

"Yeah. On three. 1,2,3" Ben chanted before they lifted Brian up and made their way out of the bomb-blasted building

Ben was driving the ambulance and Gwilym was in the back with Brian. He was doing his best to reassure the policeman. Brian had gone quiet and hadn't spoken since they left the building, he had a permanent expression of panic and fear on his face.

"Nearly there Brian. How are you holding up?" Gwilym asked

"Just hurts" Brian mumbled

"Ok. They will probably up your pain relief when we get you to A+E" Gwilym explained, "I heard about what you did. You were very brave in there"

"I hurt John" Brian said bluntly

"You saved John" Gwilym corrected

"I did and will do whatever it takes to protect him. He's more than just a work partner" Brian blushed a little

"And you did protect him" Gwilym smiled

With that, Ben opened the back door of the ambulance before asking, "Ready to go?"

Brian nodded. The two paramedics pushed him out with the trolley and into the hospital. Brian was taken straight through to a bay surrounded by curtains. As soon as the blue curtains were shut behind him and he was transferred into a proper hospital bed, he felt safe and cut off from danger.

A doctor came in to examine Brian's ankle. Who determined that it wasn't broken, but in fact dislocated. He was able to put it back in its place fairly quickly and send a nurse to bandage it up. After the bandage was on, Brian had a bit of time to himself. In that time, all he thought about was John. Where was he? Was he even in this hospital? And most importantly, is he alright? 

He was snapped out of his thoughts when the curtain next to him was flung open by a nurse. There, in the bay next to him was John.

"John!" Brian shouted out, reaching out for his new love

"I'll move your beds closer" The nurse smiled. She pushed John's closer to me, his smile grew as he inches closer. Then she came to my side and pushed me to John. My hand was finally able to reach him and from that moment, I didn't want to let go. I held on to his hand tightly.

"B-Brian" John's voice was husky

"I was so worried" Brian said as he traced John's bandage with his spare hand

"Are you ok?" John said in that still husky tone

"I'm fine, don't you dare worry about me" Brian moved his hand that was on the bandage, down to John's cheek, caressing it slightly

"I love you Brian. I meant it when I said it" John whispered

"I love you too, so much" Brian pulled his weight so he could reach John's lips with his own. They shared a short kiss before it got too painful for Brian to be in the position he was in.

The rest of the night they held on to each other's hand through the bars of the hospital beds. They talked a lot to, getting to know each other that little bit more. As the night went on, they decided to make it official. They were now boyfriends.

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