Operation Dimples (Roger and John)

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Roger's POV

I saw him run off stage. John. He has been acting so strange on this tour, it's a good job we are nearly done. I knew Brian and Freddie didn't see John run away as they escaped themselves to the dressing room. I also knew John wouldn't be in the dressing room, he would be somewhere quiet. I know him well. I've been studying him. Not in a creepy way though! I've got a secret, I may have the tiniest crush on him. Just look at him, dimples for days, the small curls on the top of his head, that smile, even his laugh melts me.

I paced the corridors of backstage. I couldn't find him anywhere. I stayed very still for a second and heard a small whimper. I wasn't even sure if it was my imagination, it was that quiet. I went into a small room, I don't know what it was used for, possibly another dressing room as it had a sofa and a mirror.

"John, it's me, Roger" I entered cautiously

The crying was louder.

That's when I saw him, curled up between the wall and the sofa, if the gap was any smaller he wouldn't fit.

"Oh, John" I crouched down slowly making sure I didn't startle him, "whatever's the matter?"

He hid his face from me. I scooted closer to him and used my hand to bring his head up.

"Look at me" I said softly

John nodded a bit, I felt it in my hand more than I saw it.

"Can we talk about it?" I asked

"I-I'll tell y-you in the h-hotel r-room" His voice was just as shaky as his body

"Shall we get out of here then?" I smiled

"Yeah" He said before I helped him up

"Come on then" I held his hand

"Rog?" He said

"Yeah?" I turned to face him

"Don't tell Freddie and Brian" His eyes were full of fear

"'Course I won't" I pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his skinny waist. My heart skipped a beat when he hugged me back. I've longed to hold him like this.

We walked outside. Towards the car we were being driven around in. We drove around in pairs as we only had two cars. Usually I would've been with Brian but Deaky needs me. We saw Miami on the way out.

"Where are you two off to?" He called out

"Uh- Miami! We were going back to the hotel, I need a rest and John wanted a shower" I lied

"Ok, I'll tell the others that your going" Miami smiled

"Thanks" I waved before going into the car

John got in close behind.

"You lied to Miami" He said

"Yeah" I giggled

He laughed too. That laugh could melt a million hearts.

The driver began to take us back to the hotel. It wasn't far away so the journey didn't take long.

When we entered our room I locked the door. Me and John agreed to share as we are the youngest. John sat on the edge of the bed, I went and sat next to him.

"So, what happened back there?" I broke the silence

"I've just been struggling Roger. I didn't expect this whole thing with the band to take off like it has. There were thousands of people there tonight. Staring. It's so intimidating, so scary." John said

"Anything else?" I asked, I knew that couldn't be all

"I saw someone I know in the audience" John looked down to his feet

"Who?" I quizzed

"My brother" John had tears coming down from his eyes

"He's.." I began

"I know" John looked at me straight in the eye. It broke me seeing him like that,"I know he's dead Roger"

I hugged him. I was crying too. I knew John's brother, Jack, well. I knew him before I knew John. Me and Jack would always plan how to get me and John together but he was taken away by a cruel illness before any of those plans went into action.

"He would've been proud of what you did tonight" I mumbled into John's neck

"What? Run away?" John pulled away

"No! Silly! How you played, you were incredible tonight" I smiled

He smiled back, "thank you"

"Anytime" I put my hand on his cheek

"By the way, I know what you and Jack talked about." John blurted out

"What?" I panicked, pulling my hand away. John picked my hand up and put it back on his face

"Your plans, 'operation dimples'" John smiled

"Oh my god" I blushed. Me and Jack called the plan 'operation dimples' because of John's most adorable facial features.

"Do you still like me?" John asked

"More than anything" I smiled. It was true. My feelings for John had never and will never fade.

"Phase one, get me alone, seems to have worked" John giggled. He really did hear my plan

"That just leaves phase two" I smirked

"Yeah, your plans never had many steps" John pulled a face. I slapped him playfully

"May I continue with phase two?" I asked. I didn't want to just do it, he was crying not long ago.

"Yeah" John smiled

I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. He kissed back, I was so happy. He then pushed me down on the bed, we were both laying there, side by side, just staring at each other, our eyes full of love.

"Mission accomplished" I piped up

He chuckled. John then sat up and hovered over the top of me. He kissed me and I didn't hesitate to kiss back. It was perfect, our movements were in time with one another.

"I really like you Roger" He said, my heart racing

"I really like you too" I smiled

We spent the rest of the night in each other's arms. The smile never went off of my face. Operation Dimples worked!

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