Chapter One

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Earth And Wolves

By allhailwhovians

Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved.

"KAITLYN!" My mother screamed in my face. I was awake already but too lazy to get up. She's often unafraid to pour water on me, but there was no need this morning.

"Shut up mom," I muttered pushing her off of me, causing her to tumble off the bed, but I knew she'd be fine. My mom's my best friend. I could tell her anything and she wouldn't care unless if I did something that could hurt me.

She acts like a teenager and looks like one. Honestly she could easily pass for twenty. She's drop dead gorgeous and I'm so grateful for our relationship. She cares about me, and trusts me. That's incredibly important in a mother, and I couldn't be more thankful. Every Friday we have a girls night, and we just spend time together. You don't know how good it is to talk about your week and laugh about all the nonsense that went on during it.  My dad leaves and it's just her, Jasmine and I.

Jasmine's my kid sister. Well, actually she's fourteen. She is the most mature teenager I know, often keeping me in check by vetoing my horrible ideas. Another relationship I love having. She recently trusted me with her biggest secret for fear of our parents reaction. She told me something I can't tell anyone. It's been eating me alive, knowing my mother has no clue. I didn't ask her to tell me this huge secret. I'm horrible at keeping them, and wouldn't be surprised if I blurted it out anytime.

Its one of those things, and out of everything that is involved my mother has to hear it from Jasmine herself. If she hears it through the grapevine, that would not only defeat Jasmine's confession, but also make my mom's reaction unpredictable. All I know is that Jazz is planning on telling her Friday, and I hope Friday hurries up. Wait...Today's Friday! Excitement for Jasmine bubbled up in my chest. This was going to be great. Or bad. Hopefully great.

Today I have school. I'm not too stoked. It's not bad or anything, I just think it's a big waste of time especially when I have to spend it alone. Literally my only friends, Macy and Sam, don't have one single class with me.

It's a small town and they are both seniors like I am, and a lot of the other kids here are way too caught in their own drama bubble to even notice the "smart" kids. They could have used a better analogy, intelligent kids, kids with priorities, soon to be your bosses, etcetera.

Instead we are the "smart" kids who could have fit in if we tried. But we didn't and won't. Kinda defeats the purpose when we're already in our senior year. My town is so small there are about two hundred kids in our school, and about fifty of those are seniors. It makes no sense that I am not having at least one class with one of them. I'm just glad our lunch period is the same though, but that's only because we are in the same grade, and we have lunch with the juniors. Upperclassmen eat early, which I guess is in part for the seniors who deserve it since we have been stuck in school for the past thirteen to fourteen years and are a little bit tired of it.

I groaned and pulled myself out of bed only to trip over my mother who was sitting on my floor with new bed sheets. She snorted trying to stifle laughter when I ate carpet. I then made a vow I will get revenge.

"Are you okay honey?" She said trying to act like she didn't laugh. I glared at her as both of us picked ourselves up. She then proceeded to make my bed with the new sheets. Did I mention she is a neat freak? I am forbidden from cleaning my room because my mom absolutely must make it perfect. What am I supposed to do when I go to college and don't know how to clean my room?

I got ready quickly and did my makeup. My hair was a mess so I just slipped on a beanie knowing I didn't have time to straighten my white hair. Literally white. I hear I get it from my grandmother, and I don't mean because she is older, let's be real. When she was younger her hair was snow white, and she was beautiful.

Sadly I only got one of those traits. I know I am average, not really ugly but I am the farthest from pretty yet alone beautiful. It's kinda annoying get told I am, shouldn't you be able to accept a compliment? It's just I feel like they're betraying me by lying. I guess all girls have that insecurity, mine I guess is just denial at this point.

Looking at the clock I realized I should have left a few minutes ago. I ran out the door screaming for my little sister to hurry up. My dad was sitting on the porch drinking coffee and playing on his tablet. He looked up at me and laughed.

Rolling my eyes, I leaned down and pecked his cheek. "I love you too Daddy. Remember tonight's Friday!"

I got in my car and watched Jasmine run out the door, throw her arms around our father, and sprint to my car. I let her buckle her seat belt before I peeled out of the driveway. Thank god we always left early. Thank god it's Friday. I got to school, and grabbed my backpack and got out.

Jasmine said goodbye and went off to her friends, leaving me to get attacked by Macy, who was jogging over to me from Sam's car.

"There's a new boy," she shrieked/whispered in my ear. First I pushed her off me, rubbing my sore ear. Then I looked down playing with a rock under my shoe. The relevance of this information is the equivalent the president being told that her Majesty, the Queen of England installed a pool in the third floor of her castle. Nice to know but not really news.

"So?" Most new kids were nothing much anyways. Popular looking, internet famous, or geeky. Most don't care about school. To be honest, I don't know how we even reel in new people, this town isn't anything special. Yet every year we gain a dozen and lose just as many, not counting the seniors of course.

"He is..." Her voice trailed off. I looked up to see what was so important about this new boy that Macy would even attempt to set me up with him. Then I saw what she meant. The definition of gorgeous was walking into the school.

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