Chapter Thirteen

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It's been three months since since Devon himself turned nineteen, and the April air was crisp as I walked out my front door. My foot reached the last step and I squealed as his arms lifted me into his chest.

"Dove," spilled from my lips as I wiggled free. I started calling him that recently when I thought that mixing his name with love would be a great idea, and thank god he doesn't care what nicknames I give him. Sometimes when we are messing around and I feel like teasing him, I call him Devvie-Bear. Not that Devon doesn't like it, it just isn't masculine, then again neither is Dove really.

"Kitty." He mocked me as I opened my car door.

Rolling my eyes I put the key in the ignition and started the car, Devon slamming the passenger door. I was pulling my seat belt across my chest when Devon stopped me, by pulling my face to his.

"Are you sure about this Kaitlyn?"

"Of course I am! We've been planning this for weeks, if you don't want to go I am completely fine with that. I'm eighteen, this is no big deal! Besides I'll be out of my parents house the day I graduate." My parents are only letting me go because Devon is. And he knew that, so he just rubbed circles on my knee giving me that playful smile I adore. I still get butterflies from his touch, so I had to suppress a moan when he touched my knee.

"I know that, I just thought it might be a bit much going to an unknown state for a week, to visit people that you assumed didn't want anything to do with you." He is right, I am using my spring break to visit relatives that were forbidden from seeing me. Apparently my parents really didn't want Jasmine and I to know about the whole being a werewolf thing and thought that my mothers parents (and my parents pack) might fail at keeping it a secret.

"Baby, I never met my grandparents and I really want to now while I still have the chance, the world is a dangerous place," I explained for the fiftieth time.

"I know that and I respect your decision one hundred percent. I am just worried that you might regret using your vacation driving to some people who might be horrid." I started laughing at the expression he made, causing him to smirk me.

"My decision is final." And with that I then I buckled my seat belt.

After driving for what seemed like an eternity, Devon forced me to stop around midnight at a tourist hotel in the middle of Oregon.

"I am tired of seeing cows, and blurred trees. I want to see a bed." I was forced to check us in, and before long I was dragging our suitcases in an elevator while Devon parked the car.

I was pleased with the room, nothing too fancy, just a room and a decent bathroom but it was clean and the beds in the room were both quite comfy. Slipping into some pajamas, I set the alarm on my phone for ten and curled under the covers.

Soon as I got comfortable, Devon arrived. I averted my eyes when he shamelessly stripped, and then got into his own pajamas.

"Baby girl?" I hummed as he pulled me to his chest. "I love you to the moon and back." My heart fluttered each time he said that and I love it when he does.

"No distance can even come close to how much I love you," I whispered the words, and his lips came to mine.

"How can I even compete with perfection? You win that round my love, but the next I will..." He cut himself off with a yawn and I had to curl farther into him, he was so gosh darn cute! His dimples showed as he did and his eyes were still shut afterwards.

"Awe." He looked at me with his eyebrows raised, and I myself was shocked at what had come from my mouth . I definitely did not mean to say that.

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