Chapter Fourteen

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I nervously looked up at the three story house, focusing on the salty, cold sea mist blowing my hair back from my face. A soft sigh made an already concerned Devon pull me back into him. His warmth made me feel right at home, his lips touched my forehead and I immediately moved into his love.

        "Are you okay baby?" He spoke into my ear, voice filled with care.

        "Mm hmm. I love you." I wrapped my arms around his neck, his v-neck shirt made his skin cool and I buried my face into his chest.

        He chuckled lowly, and his chest vibrated as he did. "I love you too sweetie. Take your time, new people are terrifying. You are in control right now."

        I pushed myself away from him and decided to just stop thinking about what my family would think of me, and marched up to the door. Then I contradicted my thoughts, hesitantly I rang the bell, stepping back into Devon. He stood behind me slightly, both hands resting low on my hips. As soon as he did though, the door swung open, revealing a young woman with white hair, except she had several brown highlights. Absolutely stunning and gorgeous, she pulled me into her arms, tears rolling down her slightly tanned cheeks.

        "I missed you so much honey! God knows how tiny you were!" I hugged her awkwardly at first, and then I relaxed, taking note of how I wasn't dead yet. She pulled back looking at me, two beautiful green eyes that matched my own staring into mine. I felt my own eyes water and suddenly I was hugging her again, my grandmother holding me close, whispering how she wished it was different.

        After several minutes of meeting with my family I was positioned on a couch with Devon's head on my shoulder, Ty's feet on my lap and my Aunt and Grandma sitting on a love seat opposite of me. My grandpa was on a pack meeting being beta of the pack, apparently there were some delta issues and they wanted to sort the out. The house was a huge beautiful farmhouse on a cliff overlooking the ocean, and there was horses everywhere. I love horses but they honestly scare me, not that I would ever admit that.

        "So, Kaitlyn," Tyler started.

        "No." Devon finished.

        I looked at Devon questioningly, and he sat up looking straight ahead. Tyler just took his feet off of me, sitting Indian style on the couch cushion beside me, looking at me strangely.

        "What in the world was he going to say that was so bad Devon?" I trust Devon's judgement, but this seems irrational.

        He met my gaze and looked more than conflicted, and had to look down.

        "You know what? You guys are right." My aunt let out a sigh and my grandma laughed a bit.

       Devon looked at me after a minute of silence. I was basically jumping off the walls mentally from bewilderment. He pulled me onto his lap, and I blushed, not used to P.D.A in front of anyone really. His hand brushed my hair back and his face was extremely serious, fear started gnawing at me but when he kissed me it all went away and for a second I forgot we had an audience.

        "I'm so sorry Kitty. It wasn't my place to tell you and I have the urge to tell you all the time, but your father threatened me and your mom said that if I told you...I wouldn't be welcome back and I didn't want you to deal with that. "

        "Devon. What are you talking about?"

        "I can help with that. After all I have been studying this for years." My grandma's voice filled the air." So there was a prophecy that was foretold about eight hundred and twenty five years ago. The vague details on it have all been deciphered except for the name of the vampire and the date involved. There was to be a very terrible vampire who destroys villages, kills children for sport, and creates a vampire army to absolutely demolish a very large country, creating a dystopia where vampires and demons rule, whilst humans live in misery and are bred into slavery. Honestly a tragic turn for the worse, and wolf's will be seen as things to be feared worse than they are now, many turning from morals feeding the anguish that humans will endure." I felt myself start to shake and Devon held me closer into him, and I had a feeling this will happen soon.

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